
  • Essay / Jourody Free Trial Odysseus' Journey into...

    Ulysses' JourneyIn Homer's epic The Odyssey, the hero Odysseus attempts to complete his journey home from Troy. On his way home, however, he angers the sea god Posiedon, who curses him to travel for ten years on the sea, lose all his men, and return on a stranger's ship. Over the course of ten years, Odysseus overcomes many trials and visits unique destinations in the world along the way. Each location has several symbolic meanings and themes that are found even in today's society. During his journey, Odysseus will attempt to find his place in the world and make a name for himself, make difficult leadership decisions regarding his men, and attempt to overcome the natural curiosity and greed that are in his mental makeup. the man. While the house is the source of many of Odysseus' reactions to the obstacles and challenges that stand in his way, he also follows the call of a more subtle force. This strength is what drives him to travel to Troy in the first place and it is what dictates his actions on his journey home. The strength is Odysseus's desire to make a name for himself in the world and become one of its heroes, who will be remembered forever in songs. When his men arrived in the Land of the Lotus, he was careful not to eat any of the food found there. The fruit of the Lotus would make the consumer forget who he was and his quest for life, replacing all the impulses that existed before with a single desire: to eat the plant (Timeless Myths). Odysseus, however, did not wish to submit to the "passive peace of the Lotus Lands" for two reasons: one more obvious [the desire to return home to his family], and the other hidden but just as strong [the antipathy he possessed about his name diminishing to nothing on an island] (Steiner 112). It was this pride that pushed him to lose his temper when he left the country of the Cyclops. He had outwitted and injured the monstrous beast, and yet, it was not enough. When he felt he was far enough away, he shouted his true name to Cyclops, making sure that Cyclops knew that it was he, Odysseus, who had gouged out his eye (Timeless Myths). Although this action may appear rash and stupid to outsiders, Odysseus actually guaranteed that he would not be considered an Outis [person] (Steiner 120).