
  • Essay / Nonprofit Organizations - 887

    The goal of most nonprofit organizations is to improve the local community and society. The goal of a small business is to make a profit by providing a service or selling a product. This purpose is what motivates employees/volunteers and there is usually a difference in the way we work when we are simply earning a salary and when we are working for a cause we believe in. During the summer after I graduated from high school, I was approached by the pastor of Pine Grove Baptist Church, Pastor Ron Barber, and his wife, Mary-Beth, to become involved in their full-time ministry. After a few weeks of consideration, I decided that this would be a wonderful opportunity to improve my musical abilities and gain experience. For a little over two years, I have been the only full-time pianist in Pine Grove. This past semester, I volunteered an average of three hours per week at Pine Grove Baptist Church; and I was extremely grateful to receive credit for my time. In addition to recording my hours each week, I wrote a brief description of what I did and included some additional comments about participating in this service or whether I played a special arrangement that day- there. , etc. About halfway through the semester, I calculated my accumulated hours and was surprised by the amount. Until now, I had not thought about the number of hours I had dedicated to the ministry at Pine Grove. This realization of the number of hours I have invested in my local church has given me a sense of importance and value. I believe that volunteering is an extremely important part of society; unfortunately, I have discovered that many people do not share my beliefs. For example, only three of my colleagues volunteer on a regular basis, and there are twenty people in my department...... middle of paper ...... children's ministry; and she organizes the nursery and Sunday school programs. Without the help of many people, Pastor Barber would not be able to operate Pine Grove Baptist Church; delegation of leadership is extremely important. Finally, inspiring evangelists are essential for attracting new people to your organization. Pine Grove Baptist Church has a website, Facebook page, and physical fliers/flyers, all of which are tools used to attract new visitors. The purpose of Pine Grove Baptist Church is to improve the local community and society. By capitalizing on the multiple driving forces that drive nonprofit success, Pine Grove will also be successful. Works Cited Crutchfield, Leslie R. and Grant, Heather McLeod. Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits. 1st ed. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Print.