
  • Essay / Understanding the Role of the Holy Spirit in the Modern Church

    There is power in unity. The NT Church saw the importance of unity and coming together as believers. We see in Acts 2:44 “All the believers were together and had all things in common.” When the Church is united and unified around a common cause, that being Jesus, great things can happen. We were not made to live alone, that is why we must go to church. 3. Baptism is important, we grant it little. We know that we are not saved by the act itself. Salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. Baptism is an outward example of an inward change. This lets the word know that you are following in the footsteps of Christ, that you have died to self and risen to walk in new life. Baptism is important because Jesus did it and we should follow his example. This way people can see that we are committed to giving our lives to Jesus. 4. It's not always about physics. We need to be careful not to meet a physical need just for the person to move on and get out of our way. Jesus always meets a physical need before meeting a spiritual need. We too should look for an opportunity to meet a spiritual need outside of satisfying a physical need.