
  • Essay / Sojourner Truth: A Champion of Abolition and Women's Rights

    “If the first woman God ever created was strong enough to turn the world upside down, these women together should be able to right it again. » Sojourner Truth is remembered as perhaps the most influential figure in the abolition and women's rights movements. She spoke to many angry crowds. But that’s what she was passionate about, so she did it anyway. Her legacy of feminism and racial equality still resonates today. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Did you know that Sojourner Truth is not Truth's real name? Her name is actually Isabella Baumfree. Isabella was born in Ulster County, New York, in 1797. She was the daughter of two slaves, James and Elizabeth Baumfree. She, her siblings and her parents belonged to Colonel Johannes Hardenbergh. They worked there, under his ownership, tending his lands and operating his flour mills. Isabella wouldn't stay with her parents much longer. Isabella was only nine years old when she was taken from her parents. Imagine how scary that would be. Its previous owner, Colonel Johannes Hardenbergh, had recently died. It was therefore purchased by John Neely. It was purchased for $100. Some people on the plantation spoke English while others spoke Dutch. When an English-speaking Neely tried to give orders to a Dutch-speaking Isabella, she didn't understand him. In return, Isabella was beaten by him. He was often very angry with her because she failed to follow his instructions. Eventually, Neely gave up and sold it. Isabella was sold again, but to a man named Martinus Schryver. It was sold this time for $105. She worked very hard for him. So it was a shock when it was sold about a year and a half later. Schryver sold Isabella to Thomas Dumont. Thomas, also known as John, was by far one of Isabella's kindest owners. He treated her better than most slave owners would ever treat their slaves. But he still owned her and made her work. Dumont loved her hard work and kept her on his plantation for many, many years. His plantation, or farm, was on the banks of the Hudson River, now West Park. Sometimes slaves from other neighboring farms would meet. Isabella met a man with whom she immediately fell in love. His name was Robert. But she would not be allowed to marry him because he came from a neighboring farm. But they asked anyway. Robert's owner denied it because Isabella's children would not be the owner's new slaves. Dumont eventually forced her to marry one of his own slaves. She was unhappy. After Isabella married this slave, she had five children. She loved all her children very much. Isabella hated seeing them enslaved and wanted to do something about it. While she was giving birth to her fifth child, the baby died. It was a miracle that Isabelle hadn't died too. In 1825, Dumont promised to free Isabelle because she was a very good worker. She was incredibly happy. She worked for him for another year and was then ready to leave. But at the last minute, Dumont changes his mind. She should continue to work for him. Isabelle was furious. Isabella did not want to stay working for Dumont. She wanted her freedom as he had promised. So, she decided to do something. That day, after work, she left the farm on foot. She also took her daughterSofia. Dumont was not there and the rest of the slaves were too afraid to try to stop him. Dumont had neighbors, the VanWageners, not far from his farm. This couple, Isaac and Maria, hated slavery. They thought it was wrong. So, Isabelle and her daughter stayed with them, hiding from Dumont. But eventually, Dumont found out and wanted the VanWageners to pay for her. So they bought her for $20 and set her free. Isabelle was now a free woman! She was free, but not all her children. She didn't know how she could do anything about it. But she discovered that Peter, her son, had been sold illegally to a slave owner in Alabama. Now she would do something. She discovered that it was illegal to sell slaves across state lines. Isabella couldn't bear to see her son in the middle of this mess. She therefore decided to take the matter to court. She won, but it was unusual. Everyone began to admire Isabella for her great courage. It was very rare for a slave, mostly a woman, to take a man, a white man, to court. Isabelle was a beacon of hope and triumph for many. Isabella and her son Peter, now free, moved to New York. She then decided that she needed to find a job so she could take care of her son. So she decided to take a job as a housekeeper for a family named the Grears. They treated her with great kindness. She, known to be a very hard worker, stayed with the Grears for eight years. They let her go in 1843. After working for the Grears, she decided that she believed her mission in this world was to preach the word of God to others. So she did it. She changed her name from Isabella Baumfree to Sojourner Truth. Sojourner Truth means “traveler,” which she would be. She then leaves the city to begin her mission. She traveled throughout New England holding prayer sessions wherever she went. She had peace knowing that what she was doing was what God wanted from her. But Truth felt she needed to be more. Frederick Douglass introduced her to a community in which he thought she would fit well. So she finally decided to join the Northampton Association. This association was a community in Massachusetts founded on the ideas of liberty and equality. At these meetings, she met other social reformers and abolitionists; including Frederick Douglass. “Children, who made your skin white? Was it not God? Who made mine black? Wasn't it the same God? So am I guilty because my skin is black? The Court passed laws that the Northampton Association didn't really like. They fought against it. The name Sojourner Truth was spreading quickly. Some people were fans of her, others weren't. Olive Gilbert, an author, wrote a book about her in 1850. It was called “An Account of the Truth of the Sojourn”. Truth felt honored to have a book written just about her. She continued to travel west. She would stop and talk about her life as a slave in front of hostile crowds. But there was a charm about Sojourner. She often appeased crowds with her speeches. They seemed to hit everyone pretty hard once she was done. “During her trip, Truth noted that although women could be leaders in the abolitionist movement, they could not vote or hold public office. Realizing she was discriminating on two fronts, Truth became a strong supporter of women's rights. » Truth decided to start getting involved in the women's rights movement. So, she attended the whole.