
  • Essay / The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism - 1682

    The Battle of Iraq is a victory in a war against terrorism that began on September 11, 2001 and is still ongoing. This terrible morning, 19 evil men, shock troops of a hateful ideology, gave America and the civilized world a glimpse of their ambitions. They imagined, in the words of one terrorist, that September 11 would mark the beginning of the end of America. By seeking to turn our cities into battlefields, terrorists and their allies believed they could destroy this nation's resolve and force our withdrawal from the world. They failed. More than twenty-eight months after President Bush issued those words to the world, the United States still has approximately 138,000 American troops deployed in Iraq, the catastrophic devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina ravaging the Gulf Coast, a The government's undeniably inadequate emergency response ensued. and President George Bush's approval rating is at its lowest level since his presidency. Despite the announcement of the end of "combat operations" in Iraq and the declaration that suicide bombers have "failed", since the election of the new Iraqi government, suicide attacks have taken place daily in Iraq against American forces. The two days of September 2005 were the bloodiest, with nearly 200 Iraqis killed by suicide bombers. As a result, many Americans are questioning the administration's current policy toward Iraq, including doubting the need for a massive U.S. troop presence in Iraq. Dying to Win is a timely book that concludes that the cause of suicide terrorism is the presence of foreign troops. an occupying force in a weaker state. It specifically concludes that the cause of suicide terrorism against the United States is the presence of combat troops in Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula. Dying to Win is one of the first attempts to address the critical issues surrounding suicide terrorism and examines the conditions that enable social acceptance of such carnage. Professor Robert Pape created "the world's largest database of suicide terrorism" and examined all 315 suicide attacks committed worldwide between 1980 and 2003, analyzing myriad variables to determine that troop occupation foreign countries is the “taproot” of suicide terrorism. Dying to Win is a revolutionary undertaking that is essential reading for all government decision-makers, and especially all military officers..