
  • Essay / Film Diary: Thelma and Louise - 1358

    A hero can be defined as the main character of a story, and as the following cinematographic elements mentioned suggest - not to mention the title of the film - that Thelma and Louise are the two main characters in this story. Courage and noble deeds are other characteristics that will also be taken into account in order to better support the argument that these two women are indeed the heroes of this story. Many of the early cinematic elements found in this film function as an introduction. to the two main characters of the story. These elements are intended to force the viewer, even one who has never heard of or seen the two Hollywood stars shown on screen, to focus their attention on them. From the first shot, the camera begins to follow and maintain focus on a specific waitress as she works in a busy restaurant. The viewer can hear the music and noise of customers talking in the restaurant, but this waitress's words are the most intelligible, and the volume of the music seems to drop as she speaks. The customers at the two tables she serves are all women, as are most of the other extras. Her tray is well lit and you can see large glass windows that let in lots of sunlight and the other waitresses like her wear bright white uniforms, but she is the only one wearing a flower. All of these elements – sound design, staging, lighting, costumes and editing – create a happy, bright, spacious and – what can be called – female-friendly environment, where Louise is the main character. The other main character in this film, Thelma is shown trapped surrounded by the wall and cabinets of a small kitchen while she speaks with Louise on the phone. She wears a large dress with a floral pattern that...... middle of paper...... lywood films especially when we look at the cinematic form elements used on what we can call DJ fetishization scenes . Throughout the film he sees the beauty - usually feminine - of a traditional film: his hair is always perfect, his white shirt and hat are impeccable despite the fact that he is hitchhiking in the middle of a hot desert and sunny. From the first scenes shown to him, it is Louise who actively watches him. Subjective shots like the one where she looks at him through the rearview mirror, force the viewer, regardless of their sexuality, to look at DJ through Thelma's eyes in a very sexual way. Lightning was used in every way possible to enhance the sex appeal of the DJ's muscles, as Thelma's skin was much less visible during their sex scene and, in many shots, only certain parts of her body - fetishized parts – were exposed to the gaze and pleasure of the public..