
  • Essay / Is the Food Industry Trying to Make Us Fat Case Study

    Michael Pollan opposes these fad diets which he says are causing the obesity epidemic and associated pathological processes. Pollan suggests that the health industries that promote these diets are getting rich off our continued obesity, and that consumers should exercise caution when relying on their advice. Pollan states in his essay that "the health care industry, as an industry, will benefit more from new drugs and procedures intended to treat chronic diseases than from a radical change in the way people eat." (Pollan 422). Pollan argues that the healthcare industry wants the population to remain obese so it can line its wallet instead of protecting our health. However, after his critical analysis of these profiting health care organizations, Pollan offers his own dietary rules to improve health and diet. These rules are briefly offered in the essay but can be appreciated in detail by purchasing one of his books. Likewise, one only has to look at his website to wonder where his motivations really lie: all of his books and the dates of his future appearances are offered for sale. While Pollan wants to go after these organizations, he also makes money selling diet advice. So who should the consumer trust? Someone who sells a product or its