
  • Essay / Endless amount of information on the Internet

    The Internet can be a dangerous and treacherous place. While this is true, it can also be a very useful resource and a great place to share your creativity with the world. You can share your ideas with people on the other side of the world, collaborate with a friend who lives in another country, and write a song with a family member in England. This access to the world and information of all kinds leads us to fun and scary adventures ( Think of the Internet as a very large Walmart, the size of New York. Information about cute bunnies is on the left about 1 hour away and game videos are about 30 minutes upstate. The World Wide Web is a big place, but it's a good thing that we at least have a way to organize every little thing on it. Search engines are a way of collecting information from around the world that has been submitted at some point in the wild jungle of the interwebs. The ultimate book is in our hands. We've all used it to give our presentation and check our Facebook notifications. Google, one of the most famous search engines in the world, helps us every day. The fact is that it all started with a few students ( In 1995, Larry Page, a 22-year-old University of Michigan graduate, met Sergey, 21, assigned to show him around Stanford. Later the following year, Larry and Sergey began working on a search engine, also known as BackRub. BackRub ran on Stanford's servers for a little over a year, ultimately consuming excessive bandwidth. finally appeared on September 15, 1997. The name was a play on "googol", a mathematical term for the number represented by the digit 1 followed by 100 zero...... middle of paper ... ... social media, Todd posted his first cry for help On September 7, 2012, Todd posted his video with over 17,000,000 views explaining his story from start to story continues. of emptiness and hatred that filled her to the brim Todd was only 15 years old, a year older than me, when she committed suicide on October 10, 2012, just 32 days after posting her video (http. :// This incredible thing we have been given has been extended to the very extent of creation, from helping to harming, the Internet is the most advanced machine that clicks. and slams every second you read this report It's bigger than the biggest book imaginable, because it grows faster than anything. It becomes a maze that even Daedalus can't control. The Internet is becoming an important part of our lives and there is no stopping it (