
  • Essay / My Living Moment - 905

    In people's lives, students' time is one of the most wonderful and happy moments of their lives, especially when they are in high school. There, students can meet other people who could support them for the rest of their lives. These could be your classmates, your seniors, or even your teachers. This is an important person for the rest of your life. For a young girl like me, who is no different from anyone else, high school is a time that I will never forget. I met many special people and they gave me wonderful knowledge, my close friends, who help me when I go to study abroad. To have these true friends in my life, I went through a difficult time which still remains in my memory. This defining moment happened when I was a freshman in high school. My high school is one of the oldest schools in the city. It’s a new environment for me; I met new friends from different schools, new teachers and I had to learn to adapt to this new life. My class is not a normal class because not everyone played together; they were separated into different groups and only played with people from that group. I also chose a group. I did a lot of things for my group; I moved places to be closer to them, sometimes bought them snacks to eat in boring classes, or even used my name to assure them when they made a mistake in class or at school. However, after spending a lot of time with them, I realized that I had chosen the wrong group. It was the biggest mistake I made in high school. Once, while going to the bathroom, a job I had never done during recess, I heard people in the group talking about people they didn't like in class or school. I thought I could join them but then I stopped... middle of paper...... to keep my mind off my old friends. When I got into trouble, they always stood by me, supported me and protected me. I want to thank my friends, who were by my side when I was in the most difficult moment of my life in high school. I learned that people have their own personalities, so if I felt uncomfortable spending time with them, I should no longer try to make them like me. Instead, I can meet new people and find real friends. The rain does not always fall because it will stop one day, just like human life. Their life is like a bad weather day. There will be rain or storm but in the end it will end and a rainbow will appear in the sky. People said, “If one door closes to you, another will be open to you.” My living moment, it hurt so much, but I learned from it. I wouldn't be like now if I hadn't had the chance to face this problem during the pass.