
  • Essay / Similarities Between Help and The Scarlet Letter

    In Help, Hawthorne shows us how people of different colors interacted with each other in the 1960s, and this becomes very important to his protagonist as she revolt against bad consumption. present between races. She, Skeeter, becomes the representation of white people who see the wrongs done to black people, Minny and Aibileen, become the representation that maybe not all white people are prejudiced, while the other black handmaids and Hilly, the The antagonist and the other girls in society represent everything that is bad in society, the judgments we make without really knowing ourselves. We see the same thing in The Scarlet Letter, except in this case it is the going against one's faith, the aspect of religion vs. the individual, Stockett shows us how Hester did not made only one mistake and the Puritans, her supposed family, her religion, betrayed her by banishing her, instead of helping her understand that no one is perfect and that we all make mistakes. This is historically accurate because the Puritans were very strict that all their laws had to be respected, however, Hester does not let this affect her and she becomes the perfect representation of a person fighting for survival and what she believes in. . Overall, the fierce sense of realism is supported by very strongly present themes. The theme of racism is well represented in The Help, while the theme of sin is still present in The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne depicts sin through several characters, he shows the art of sin committed out of revenge, guilt, adultery and consequences - such as in people who commit sin or are associated with a sin committed by another, such as Pearl who is the consequence of his parents. affair. Hester, the Mother of Pearls, was the perfect example of sin for all women