
  • Essay / The characteristics of Odysseus and Penelope in Homer

    In this assignment, I will analyze the characteristics of Odysseus and Penelope based on the stories of Homer and Ovid. By exploring this element, we can compare and contrast how Odysseus and Penelope behave in certain situations. Although they have many similarities, they are also both different, in which each displays a series of their own wisdoms during their encounters. In Homer's tale, Odysseus returns to Ithaca after the Trojan War, but along the way he faces many challenges and obstacles from sea and land. Odysseus and his crews were held captive in a Cyclops cave, angered Poseidon, the god of the sea, trapped on the island of the witch Circe and had some bad luck and ended up seven more years as prisoners on the island of Kalypso. Penelope, on the other hand, is a faithful wife who waits for Odysseus to return for 20 years, despite her home being invaded by over 100 suitors, including one whom she must marry. However, according to Ovid, Penelope does not appear as the heroine of the epic but rather as the sad lover. Homer's and Ovid's stories have similarities in how Odysseus and Penelope are alike in the way they defended themselves against the enemy and how they refused to give up and their determination kept them going focused on achieving their goal. The first thing I compare is the intelligence of Odysseus and Penelope. After all, Odysseus is known in Greek mythology not for his ability to fight like Achilles or Hector, but for his genius and intelligence. Even Zeus agrees, saying, “No other mortal has a mind like his” (Odyssey Book 1, line 72). We can observe that Odysseus begins to use his intelligence in his attempt to escape from the Cyclops Polyphemus. Odysseus and his men are trapped in Polyphe...... middle of paper ...... Lyphemus knows who blinded him so Odysseus calls Cyclops back to tell him that his name is Odysseus despite his men blinding him beg not to do it. . Because of his arrogance, Poseidon punished Odysseus and his men, delayed their journey home, and caused a storm that shipwrecked Odysseus. His arrogance was also depicted by Homer when he decided to listen to the sirens instead of putting wax in his ears. He made a risky decision and his decision could have put him and his men in danger. On the other hand, throughout the story, Penelope seems humble. Instead of acting like Odysseus, Penelope never intends to make her name known to the suitors. Instead, she stays calm and encourages the suitors to stay home and makes them think they are welcome. Sure, she hates suitors but she never tells them to leave. This behavior contrasts with Ulysses.