
  • Essay / Moon Landing Plot Essay - 1218

    Do you believe in the moon landing conspiracy? There are various theories that skeptics come up with to try to accuse NASA of faking the Apollo moon landings, although any of these simple explanations will prove these theories wrong. The moon landing conspiracy was "claimed" to be a hoax since it was the only time the United States landed on the moon, it was during the Nixon administration, and the reason was that after that we finally managed to reach the moon, interest in the USSR otherwise, to get there, died out as did the flow of money that had been invested in the missions; skeptics try to say it was a fake since even with technological advancements we haven't returned to the moon, but this is easily proven false by simply stating that skeptics wonder why there are many footprints astronauts while there is no impression. caused by the lunar module. Yes, it weighs seventeen tons, but puny people don't realize that it landed on a very thin layer of sand. Additionally, when the module was landing, the descent engines blew away all the sand during landing, so it simply landed on a rock where it is not possible to leave an impression. Additionally, astronauts “Armstrong and Aldrin spent more than two hours outside their spacecraft on the Moon” (NASA). Of course, there are many prints. The sand settled before the astronauts exited the module and walked on the surface. People wonder why the prints are so well preserved, but there is no wind on the Moon to alter them as would happen on Earth. Skeptics wonder why there is no explosion crater when the module lands. Again, this is because they landed on hard rocks. Even if they landed on softer rock, it still wouldn't form a crater since "the amount of thrust produced by the engines at the point of landing and takeoff is very small compared to landing on Earth due to relative lack of power. of gravitational attraction” (Holt). There are various reasons people give to try to prove that the moon landing didn't happen, but they all have logical answers. NASA achieved what President Kennedy promised six years after his assassination. The fact that all six moon landings took place during the Nixon administration is why the cookie fell apart. People who believe the moon landing is a hoax accuse NASA of doing something much more complex than getting to the Moon. We beat the USSR to the moon, there is no real evidence to deny it