
  • Essay / Unbroken Essay Papers - 807

    He became obsessed with the Bird, wanting revenge for the torture he had suffered. Louie resorted to alcoholism as a coping mechanism and blamed all of his ongoing problems on Bird. All over the world, the war was over; in Louie's mind, it was raging. For a time, Louie could not persevere with his fate. He began to lose his once irrevocable hope and feared the man he was becoming. Eventually, after his wife dragged him into religious preaching, Louie had a spiritual epiphany and let go of his pent-up resentment toward the Bird. He stopped drinking alcohol, no longer had nightmares, and devoted the rest of his life to preaching and sharing his experience of World War II. He even visited his Japanese tormentors, now imprisoned and facing trial, and forgave them. Louie proved that it is possible to redeem yourself, and people who keep an optimistic spirit during difficult times are the ones who overcome