
  • Essay / The Great Trek: Republicanism as an Offshoot of Liberalism

    Liberalism was a system used to protect the rights to life, property, and liberty, in which society governed itself as a group not controlled by a certain party. Cause of the Great Trek which pointed towards liberalism and the pursuit of a proper republic. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay The Dutch-speaking colonial movements known as "The Great Trek" were a migration of Boers traveling across the interior of southern Africa. seeking land where they could establish their permanent homeland to live beyond independence from British colonial rule. This movement was carried out by some 1,200 to 1,400 Boers between 1835 and 1840. The Boers were against the British government's policies because they lived differently from the British and wanted to impose their rules and regulations on the Boers. This was a fairly orderly mass rebellion against a breakdown in security that participants viewed as intolerable. The causes of the Great Trek were complex, many moved because all land in the border districts had been taken away from them, work and security, issues they felt unable to address due to a lack of representation, giving rise to a deep feeling of marginalization. Due to the lack of land on the frontier, the situation did not seem to get worse, but it did get worse between 1812 and the mid-1830s. During this time, Dutch families had to move to a new farm after the grazing were exhausted, but this was determined if there was free land, land that could be taken without paying money and that would be turned into a loan farm. In 1813, the British abolished the familiar system of agricultural loans and established a system of quit ownership. This tenure system caused the Boers to move north, and the market price of established farms rose and people left the colony in an attempt to obtain land, many Boers on the trek sold their farms and moved across the border. In 1828, after the British announced Ordinance 50 increasing the labor shortage, the ordinance was in favor of the natives, it freed them from their landlord and made them choose who they wanted to work for, which caused discontent among the Boers. The situation worsened when owners lost controlling authority over slaves or servants. This happened on December 1, 1834, when the right to punish slaves, the slave trade and slavery was outlawed, slaves were allowed to sue their masters in court, which made slaves do this which they want because they were free from their masters. Thus, several leaders of the Voortrekker have fallen foul of the law for punishing their servants. Severe insecurity at the border occurred when farmers' livestock were stolen by the Bushmen. The government was unable to control the influx, many frontiersmen did not know how to deal with it and many suffered heavy losses of herds and some feared for their lives. After 1825, complaints against the masters multiplied and the administrative problem became major. There were no rights for the bourgeoisie, only blacks had them. The protection of the law was known as Gouverneur D'Urban. Political marginalization: the landless left the colony but also the rich farmers sold their farms at low prices due to the lack ofrepresentation. There was no developed theory of racism among frontier farmers. The absence of representative bodies would be used to represent the demands of the bourgeois, the abolition of the landdrost colleges in 1828 was part of a gradual overhaul of the administrative system and removed all the institutions that the border bourgeois trusted at the time when they had major political and social problems. transformation, the bourgeois left the colony because the British did not protect their needs and they did not have a representative, instead the government favored black people over them. The first Voortrekker governments (the decentralized government and administrative system during the Great Trek). As the Voortrekkers searched for a permanent place to settle for their independent republic. Great Trek leaders Louis Trichardt and Hans Van Rensburg led the way for the Dutch into the Transvaal, while Andries Potgieter, Maritz and Piet Retief found a settlement in the north. These leaders found a solution to the problem they faced by encouraging the Boers to leave the Cape Border so that they could break free from British control and be able to choose their own cultural values ​​within their own political system. The Voortrekkers wanted to be autonomous and have their own personal freedom. The philosophy of the Afrikaners expressed their demand for action to the pioneer and awakened the form of the idealist and transformed the journey from a reckless rebellion into a divinely inspired mission to Africa. On February 2, 1837, Piet Retief published his manifesto in the “Grahamstown Journal”. His manifesto was considered the voice of the Great Trek, it emphasized the idea of ​​being self-governing wanting to free themselves from the British and rising up against the government. to be equal with servants, they were overwhelmed by the lack of security and wanted protection from the British government due to the losses they had suffered in the frontier wars. The influence of Difaqane/Mfecane on the republican ideal. Since the 1780s, in the territory from Delagoa Bay to the Tugela River, a number of African chiefdoms have been caught up in the conflict forming power blocs. These wars affected these chiefdoms/kingdoms, the Zulus, the Ndebele, the Tswana, the Pedi, etc. Mfecane (crushing, dispersal, forced dispersion, forced migration), it was the time of war and widespread chaos between African kingdoms and chiefdoms. Mfecane was presented in a positive light as ushering in a period of state building with innovative rules in South Africa and a state strong enough to challenge its expansion internally. Mfecane occurred due to overpopulation due to availability of food resources and the effect of climate change which caused drought and long term environmental degradation which led to competition for leveling of lands, to the need to exercise sufficient power to control access to trade with European countries. country, as ivory became an increasingly sought-after item. All this led to what is called the "Shaka War", because all the African kingdoms became stronger and wanted to have more power and be rich. The Difaqane (crushing, dispersal, forced dispersal, forced migration), in the 1750s, internecine and civil wars befell the Hurutshe, Kwena, Rolong, etc., in the former Western Transvaal. This created an ongoing process whereby chiefdoms divided and allied themselves with other powerful groups, leading to fragmentation between groups, which?