
  • Essay / The Federalist Papers and The Hamilton Report - 1404

    First of all, I would like to welcome you to the wonderful country of America. I hope you traveled well from London. If I understand the situation correctly, you are in a state of ambivalence regarding your political affiliations; I am writing to you today to help you see the strength of the Federalist Party. The Federalist Party has the potential to continue to help America make great strides toward becoming a great nation. I will give you an account of the successes in which the Federalist Party has been involved so far; the Federalist Papers and the Hamilton Reports. The Federalist Papers were 85 documents co-authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to publicize the importance of having a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation. These three men chose to remain anonymous under the pseudonym "Publius", but were eventually discovered to be the authors in 1792. The Federalist Papers were written in an effort to persuade the voters of New York to ratify the draft constitution. The U.S. Constitution needed the approval of nine of the thirteen states, and Hamilton, Madison, and Jay set about writing the Federalist Papers in order to gently influence people into aligning them with their views. These wise men embarked on this journey with the goal of preserving the Union and empowering the federal government to act coherently. While many agrarians were convinced that these men sought to generate a tyrannical central government that would override states' rights (anti-federalists believe in strong state government) and, furthermore, infringe on the liberty of the individual , the truth is this. these men simply aimed to strengthen the system of central government that we Federalists wish to maintain... middle of paper ... yourself with the Federalist Party is the greatest favor you can do yourself. The Federalist Party is capable of making America the greatest nation of our time. As you have seen, the ramifications of the Federalist Papers and the Hamilton Reports proved useful in ratifying the U.S. Constitution, significantly changing America's large debt, improving our foreign relations by in matters of commerce through increased foreign trade, and even keeping the Anti-Federalists happy with the majority of our decisions – just to name a few of our accomplishments, Mr. James. The Federalist Party has done many great things for our American nation and will continue to do so. Trust us, Mr. James. Let me make a bold statement: We Federalists have not failed America and we will not fail you, sir. Greetings.