
  • Essay / Taiwan, Taipei: Why does the Chinese Communist Party...

    Taiwan, Taipei: why does the Chinese Communist Party attach so much importance to the name of the island? To try to answer this question, we must first analyze the origin of the conflict. Starting in the 1940s, the CCP's victory over the Kuomintang symbolized the start of cross-Strait problems. However, it was not until 1992 that George Bush Sr. decided to announce that the United States would sell D-15 fighter jets to Taiwan. This action brought tensions between Taiwan, China and the United States to an unprecedented level. For the first time in the history of cross-strait tensions, there was a real threat that Washington and the CCP would engage in war. . Washington's involvement is believed to be due to the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979. The implication of this law is that the United States promised to protect Taiwan in the event of an attack. Therefore, if the CCP decided to engage in a war with Taiwan, the United States would have no choice but to support Taiwan. As for the CCP, its involvement would come because the CCP still considers Taiwan to be part of China. Since the days of Deng Xiaoping, the CCP has promoted nationalism as the new direction of the Party rather than communism. Part of promoting this image is ensuring China's unity. This includes Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan which are part of China. So this brings us to three possible reasons why the CCP places so much emphasis on using the name Taipei to identify the island. First, if the CCP recognizes Taipei as an independent state, it risks losing its bargaining power over decisions and actions. taken regarding the island. A country's bargaining power is the strength of its claims to the disputed territory. A decline in this means of power...... middle of paper ......ities as a responsible state holder. One consequence of the international community's questioning of China's military capabilities is that it could potentially provoke an unproductive arms race with China. If China wants to participate in this race, its competitive position will be weakened in the race for economic and intellectual strength. Second, China will lose the ability to use its military as a form of soft power, making it harder to believe that it can be a responsible state holder, because it will seem like propaganda. When it comes to China, the world finds itself in a very exciting position with the Chinese model being promoted, with an alternative system of government being proposed. However, we must remain vigilant and aware because as quickly as China has grown, it also has the potential to fall if it does not play its cards right..