
  • Essay / Hypo and nonverbal behavior - 627

    twisting, head rolling, or complex whole-body movements such as rocking, stereotypical or repetitive use of objects such as lining up toys or turning objects over, or persistent preoccupation with parts of objects, stereotypes or repetitive use of speech such as echolalia or idiosyncratic sentences (APA, 2000). It also manifests as an emphasis on identity, inflexible adherence to rules or routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior with extreme distress shown in reaction to small changes, difficulty with transitions, rigid thought patterns, scripted greeting rituals, such as a need to follow the same route or eat the same food every day, as well as strong attachments or preoccupations with unusual objects, or excessively restricted interests or repetitive (APA, 2013). Hypo- or hyperactivity to sensory stimuli, such as apparent indifference to pain or temperature, negative responses to specific sounds or textures, or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment, such as smell or touch excessive objects, a visual fascination with lights or m...