
  • Essay / Sterilization Testing - 755

    STERILIZATION TECHNIQUESSterilization is a term referring to any process that kills all forms of life, including transmissible agents like fungi, bacteria, viruses and spores, etc. present on the surface, in liquids or in medicines. Sterilization can be carried out by v Physical method v Chemical method PHYSICAL METHOD: Certain physical agents are used to sterilize objects. Some of them are1. HEATMicroorganisms are sometimes destroyed by constant heat. Heat is used for sterilization. The basic theme of applying heat is to destroy the vegetative cell and the eukaryotic spore, but bacterial spores cannot be destroyed by heat. Heat can be used in two ways: MOIST HEAT Moist heat is the method in which a temperature above 100°C is applied with the aim of destroying the bacterial endospore. AUTOCLAVE This is a bit like a modified pressure cooker. At 121°C and 15 pounds of pressure for approximately 15 minutes. Saturated steam is provided to destroy all vegetative cells in the microbial population. The endospores are also destroyed by autoclaving. The destruction is done by exploring the structure of enzymes and proteins. The duration of treatment varies depending on the size of the container containing the liquid. The larger the container size, the longer the duration. DRY HEATDry heat is mainly done in the oven in the absence of water. Items containing microbes are placed in an oven at 160-190°C. Duration may vary. Often 2 to 3 hours of heating are carried out. The oxidation of cellular constituents causes the death of microbes. Protein denaturation can also lead to death. Dry heat is less effective than moist heat.2. FILTRATION......middle of paper......ria and mushrooms. It also kills bacterial spores.3. HALOGENSAmong halogens, iodine and chlorine are an important antimicrobial agent.Ø IODINEIodine is effectively reduced by serum, body fluids, sodium thiosulfate and feces. Iodine acts more quickly than other halogens. Iodine is used as a skin antiseptic.Ø CHLORINEChlorine has good germicidal activity. Its solution makes highly effective disinfectants for laboratories and households.4. ALDEHYDESAldehydes such as formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde have broad microbial activity. They are sporocidal and fungicidal. Ø Formaldehyde is a water-soluble gas. It is germicidal against bacteria, fungi and viruses. At its higher concentration, the spores are also killed. It is used to disinfect the surface.Ø Glutaroaldehyde is also used for disinfection purposes.