
  • Essay / The Current Image of the Vilings and Mongols - 843

    The current image of the Vikings and Mongols who raided and pillaged Europe and Central Asia with such extraordinary efficiency is that of ruthless savages determined to execute and threaten essentially for the sole purpose of massacre and terror. This couldn't be further from reality. Although they definitely seemed brutal and surprising, and may not have discovered any ethical dilemma in their demonstration of execution, the Vikings and Mongols most likely prevailed because of a particular goal. In both areas, agriculture was a test, requiring both social orders to create financial frameworks not based on horticulture. In Mongolia, this elective framework was to be made up of groups of itinerant pastors. This migratory framework has given rise to inexorable clashes. As Gregory Guzman has pointed out, "large numbers of supposedly savage intruders either constituted a surplus population that brutal Inner Asia could not support, or they spoke to entire tribes driven from their homelands by stronger tribes behind them. ยป (405). With nowhere else to go, many Mongolian ethnic groups had to move out of the steppes to discover new places to settle, heading towards Eastern Europe. Since there was well-established human progress generally established in these new territories discovered by the Mongols, they did not yet have the decision to attack. The Vikings also faced population problems. The shores of Norway were excessively confined to support the number of inhabitants of the Viking Empire. For the Vikings to attempt such crusades, they needed sturdy transportation. The advancement of the longboat allowed the Vikings to trade, attack and cross-settle over immeasurable periods...... middle of paper ...... Saga paints the picture of a pleasant gathering of individuals who have accomplished their wares through diligent labor and productive association as opposed to wickedness and war. Finally, the Mongols and Vikings became famous for their ferocity, severity and ability to take up arms, not for their explanations. Both groups attempted to accumulate land and fortunes, and found it extremely difficult to do so in their respective countries. Their choices to achieve their goals were through exchange, colonization and victory. A characteristically conceived trader might achieve his wishes through his commercial endeavors, in the same way that a regularly conceived pilgrim might set out to settle in a distant region. It is hoped that the Mongols and Vikings were given different military focal points as their social orders were created over time..