
  • Essay / Global Warming Essay - 801

    Global WarmingDefinition: Global warming is an increase in the overall temperature of the Earth that causes climate change and can be caused by the effect of greenhouse gases.Question : Is global warming man-made or is it natural? I think global warming is produced naturally but accelerated by human interaction. This is where my thinking comes from. The ice age was caused by a 5 degree drop in temperature without the factor of human interaction, just the fact that the five degree drop in temperature caused a new phase of the Earth. The Earth has gone through a lot of these types of changes and what I'm trying to prove is that the Earth naturally goes through phases and could this probably be a historical phase of the Earth. But human interaction is the only problem, if we could find a way to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere, which would mean another main source of electricity would be another fuel source: cars and industry (fuel combustion). How is global warming affecting the Earth? Global warming could be caused by the effect of greenhouse gases and this happens when the radiation from the sun goes towards the earth and the earth reflects the radiation towards the sun but the earth's atmosphere retains some of the rays of radiation inside its atmosphere and there. There is no way out, so the earth is getting hotter and causing climate change. Global warming affects the earth by melting Antarctica's glaciers, causing sea level rise and precipitation caused by humidity in the atmosphere proven by the Clauisis-Clapeyron equation. These are the effects that are happening now, from year to year, they will get worse. How does global warming affect humans? If you haven't noticed we are going through a confusing time...... middle of paper ...... but we are cutting down trees just for minor reasons, sometimes we don't even know you are the resource that trees give us, for example the Amazon, the Amazon gives the earth most of the oxygen and because of deforestation we are losing oxygen quickly and if we don't do something about it in a few decades, we will fight for oxygen. We also need to influence the generation after us on what you need to do to help the environment and the world avoid destruction because if they don't help they will be the most affected by people. I said it would get worse, the wildfires would increase, the drought would increase and it would all get worse, but it is our duty to do something about it. How many of us are willing to take a stand on global warming, solve the problem and keep things the way they were, because it's not impossible and yet it all just takes effort?..