
  • Essay / Graphic Design: A Superb Career Option for Tech...

    In our technology-based age, a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) job like graphic design is a great choice for potential artists. Graphic design has evolved significantly over time and today employs a myriad of people. After achieving the necessary level of education, creative individuals create images to convey a message and are paid well for their efforts. With experience, some even advance further in their career. Overall, graphic design is a fantastic career that combines art and technology, providing excellent opportunities for the future. Graphic design has its roots in early visual communications and pictograms, which date back thousands of years (Graphic Design History | Origins of Print). . Visual communication is a key concept in graphic design. Many inventions and movements have contributed to the development of graphic design, such as Gutenberg's printing press, the new typographic movement and the digital revolution (Graphic Design History Timeline). Thanks to these inventions and movements, modern graphic designers are able to combine words, hand drawing and digital art to create their designs. Many draw inspiration from various artistic styles throughout history, while others develop new techniques. New software and technology tools are released frequently and will likely continue to be essential graphic design tools in the future. Employment in the field is expected to grow by 7 percent over the next ten years. (“Graphic Designers: Professional Perspectives Handbook”). This means that graphic design will continue to grow in the future. This career employs many people in a wide variety of industries. Currently, graphic design employs 259,000 people, including approximately 37,000 in California ("Graphics... middle of paper......I am pursuing a career in graphic design. Works Cited "Career Information: Graphic Designers." Campus Explorer. nd Web. May 4, 2014. Printing Origins. May 6, 2014. Graphic Design History Timeline. nd Web, April 14, 2014. “Graphic Designers,” California CareerZone, California Career Resource Network, nd Web, April 14, 2014. “Graphic Designers: Occupational Outlook Labor Statistics,” nd Web, April 14, 2014. “Graphic Designers in.” the Federal Executive Branch Industry.”, nd Web, May 6, 2014. “Per Capita Personal Income US and All States” University of New Mexico Office. April 2013. Web May 6. 2014.