
  • Essay / Capital Punishment: Supporting the Death Penalty in the United States

    According to the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution, every American citizen is protected from cruel and unusual punishment in the criminal justice system. Throughout history, many court cases have ruled against or in favor of the death penalty, but whether capital punishment is morally right or not is still debated today.Say no to plagiarism . Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get an original essay As a student of culinary arts, I am for the death penalty because I consider it a good form of punishment because it deters citizens and prevents criminals from committing acts of violence, is an extremely inexpensive financial method to punish criminals, affirms righteous living, and provides retaliation for victims and their families. An opponent of the death penalty on this argumentative platform might refer to Furman v. Georgia Supreme Court. In his essay “Death and Justice,” Edward Koch points out that many people debate that taking a life devalues ​​life itself and that it should have no price. Despite all the opposing arguments that criminalize capital punishment, society cannot ignore the fact that by executing dangerous murderers, we prevent cruel people from committing violent crimes again. As American citizens, we should understand that the Amendments to the Constitution guarantee rights and protections to every citizen, and that the death penalty helps uphold the American constitutional foundation of liberty and justice for all. This appeal case helped abolish the death penalty in 1972, arguing that all current methods of execution, such as hanging, electrocution, and the gas chamber, were forms of cruel and unusual punishment. . The “eye for an eye” mentality may be morally justified, depending on their religion or spiritual standards in my opinion. Instead of attempting to enforce new laws based on ambiguous religious scriptures, spiritual opponents should first be informed of all the rules established by Supreme Court cases that clarify how capital punishment respects all human rights and Americans. By carrying out death sentences, the government manages to prevent perpetrators of serious crimes from killing again and warns citizens that they could receive the same sentence if they commit brutal crimes. This view is understandable, but ignores the fact that the government has different rights than individual citizens. It is indisputable that the death penalty is less expensive than the lifetime incarceration of threatening citizens, and by putting such treacherous human beings to death we improve the quality and value of life for society. Many current arguments against capital punishment, like Bright's, provide examples of outdated death penalty cases that sentenced children, the mentally ill, and self-represented defendants to death. One of the main purposes of punishment in the criminal justice system is retribution, meaning equal punishment is given depending on the seriousness of the crime. This facility ensures that outraged or mentally ill defendants will not be executed because they could not properly represent themselves. Regardless of a person's spiritual faith, he cannot deny that the death penalty is the only humane way to adequately punish murderous criminals. (United States of America) Thanks to this clause, many Supreme Court appeal cases throughout history have beendebated and established standards that justify the death penalty and defend the rights of citizens. When this amount is multiplied by the number of dangerous inmates serving life sentences, it makes economic sense to employ capital punishment in the prison system, costing taxpayers only $86.08 per lethal injection. This decision protects citizens' constitutional rights and establishes death penalty guidelines that ensure the dignity of each defendant is respected throughout the correctional process. The sanction of the death penalty is not murder, because it is not a violent and immoral act, and it is carried out in the best positive interest of society. This discrepancy proves "problematic" for both sides of the religious arguments, as Westmoreland-White and Stassen believe that "the original context of the Sixth Commandment neither requires nor prohibits capital punishment." Koch reports that arguments based on spirituality frequently reference the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus in the Bible. In 2002 and 2005, the Atkins v. Virginia and Roper v. Simmons banned the execution of offenders with mental illnesses or developmental disabilities, as well as felons. under 18 years old. In their essay “Biblical Perspectives on the Death Penalty,” Westmoreland-White and Stassen state that the sixth commandment has been translated as “Thou shalt not kill,” as well as “Thou shalt not kill,” in different languages. Mainly, the case of Gregg v. Georgia 1976 ruled that the death penalty, carried out by lethal injection, was a legal sanction because it required that defendants facing the death penalty be offered the opportunity to appeal at any time during the legal process, their Cases must be divided into trial and sentencing phases, and mitigating and aggravating factors contributing to the guilt or innocence of the accused must be presented during the trial. Religious advocates and opponents of the death penalty tend to argue specific quotes from the Bible in their favor, but throughout their essay, Westmoreland-White and Stassen reiterate the well-known fact that the teachings and verses The biblical statements of Jesus must be interpreted as moral guidance. proverbs”, and not as literal “laws”. However, others, like Koch and myself, argue that funding the welfare and sustenance of convicted killers is far more degrading and shameful to the quality of human life than if such monsters were merely " laws.” put to death. How can victims' families live peaceful lives, knowing that their tax dollars are being used to provide a healthy, comfortable and long life for the person who murdered and deprived their loved one of human dignity? The death penalty requirements set by the Supreme Court allow victims and their families to know that justice has been served for the heinous crimes committed against them, and relieve the families of any guilt knowing that the criminal has been punished humanely and fairly. According to a 2012 survey by the Vera Institute of Justice, keeping a criminal in prison costs taxpayers an average of $31,286 per year. Direct biblical words from Jesus Christ such as “for everyone who draws the sword will die by the sword” and “love your enemies and pray for your persecutors” (Matthew 26:52, 5:44) are powerful statements used to argue. that humans should “break the cycles of rivalry, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, and violence” because God “rightly will give rain and sunshine” to each individual, according to their actions. Keep in mind: this is just one.