
  • Essay / The main idea of ​​the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"

    In the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, it conveys the idea that the characters are the product of their environment. Throughout the book, it is continually portrayed that African Americans are part of the lowest class in society. This is mainly seen in Robert Ewell's lawsuit against Tom Robinson, as he wants to cover up his daughter's desire to have a sexual relationship with Tom. Scout and Jem are members of the Finch family, who are halfway up the social status pyramid. Jem and Scout Finch disagree with the mistreatment of African Americans and follow in the footsteps of their father, who provides protection for all his clients, in the form of a lawyer. Atticus Finch is a lawyer who treats everyone the same, regardless of their position in the social pyramid. Calpurnia is the Finch family's African-American slave and seems to enjoy working for them. When she goes to church, she changes her attitude and personality to adapt to people who are different from her. These are just a few examples of how Harper Lee shows that characters are products of their environments. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Mayella Ewell's trial against Tom Robinson is a great example of characters being a product of their environment. Tom Robinson is an African-American who often passes the Ewell house on his way to work. Mayella Ewell is the daughter of Robert Ewell, who is a drunk and beats his sons and daughters when he is in a bad mood. She leads a case against Tom Robinson when her father returns to the property and finds Mayella on top of Tom Robinson, then Tom flees the property because African Americans can be arrested by a person who does not want them on their property. They were so hated at the time that it was difficult to conduct a fair trial without issues of racism affecting the outcome. “I saw that black nigger over there rutting on my Mayella” (Ch. 17), Robert said. In this quote, he attempts to place the blame on Tom, even though he saw his daughter, Mayella, on top of Tom. Many white people will easily take this as strong evidence, but African Americans still aren't sure, even though they know they can't participate. “It is only when he sees that Tom Robinson has a withered left arm and could never have inflicted the bruises that Mayella suffered that Bob Ewell understands how Atticus has cleverly discredited her testimony” (Ch. 17). This shows that Bob doesn't have solid evidence that Tom didn't commit the "crime", but he still came to court hoping that his made-up story would be enough to put Tom in prison, which turns out that it was enough. , because it was an extremely biased era. Harper Lee is easily able to convey that the characters are a product of their environment, because people know it happened in the past, and gives us similar circumstances to what could have happened in that time. Scout and Jem Finch follow in their father's footsteps. because they disagree with society and their views on African Americans, simply because they seem different from others. They see no reason to classify African American people as different from themselves. “No, Jem, I think there’s only one type of person. People” (P. 250). In this quote it shows Scout saying what she believes to be true, but society disagrees with her views and believes that African American people should always be discriminated against and kept as the highest class. low. " Miss..