
  • Essay / The digital leap in teaching and learning: digital humanities

    Table of contentsIntroductionEvolving trends in digital humanitiesMethodologies and toolsDigital humanities toolkits: a cloud of knowledgeConclusionReferencesDigital humanities involve versatility and multiple channeling humanist knowledge. Digital Humanities is a gateway to analog, digitized, and born-digital software tools that support research, teaching, and learning programs. “Digital Humanities is methodological in nature and interdisciplinary in scope. It involves the investigation, analysis, synthesis and presentation of any information in electronic form. It is useful to study the electronic media that affect disciplines, how they are used, in which they are used, and the contribution of these disciplines to our knowledge of computing. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get an original essay Digital humanities practices are very useful in enabling students to develop the ability to work collaboratively, think critically, to understand the importance of narrative and visual communication and communicate using new media. It involves grafting digital elements onto traditional classroom methods. It develops abilities that will be useful to students pursuing any 21st century career path. This means that iterative scholarship has mobilized research collaboration and networks. The research uses a variety of sources both visual and textual, such as traditional published humanities texts, digital texts such as websites, emails, blogs, visuals such as physical and digital, and other methods popular DH work, online writing or blogging, text analysis, data analysis, data mapping. data visualization data-linked photogrammetry, 3D modeling and many more. This article will focus on different digital humanities support strategies that will accelerate the launch and growth of DH programs within and across universities, colleges and polytechnics. Keywords: digital tools, IT, technologies, methodology, peer practice, pedagogy, Openness.IntroductionThe term Digital Humanities (DH) is increasingly becoming a buzzword. The DH field is a well-established and widely known term. The former “digital humanities” is known as humanities. Computing has its roots in the 1940s (formerly) and, most likely, since the 1980s. Digital humanities curation is an allied area of ​​activity, concern, and research. In recent decades, digital computing and the humanities have taken their place under the umbrella term “digital humanities.” The humanities have become digital by making objects of study available on digital platforms, by introducing numerous digital analysis tools and by establishing digital means of communication to collaborate and associate during the research process, to discuss and disseminate search results and to interact with society in a wide area. According to Svensson, collaborative possibilities and epistemic traditions are imperative to better assess and understand digital humanities and also facilitate their future progress and development. Changing Trends in Digital Humanities Although Technology Makes Digital Humanities Work Feasible or Moreeasy, because it also increases its “risk” of obsolescence,” as hardware and software easily deteriorate or become obsolete. New and changing manifestations of cultural content online have posed many challenges to digital heritage preservation. As it is said, “Digital humanities interpret the cultural and social impact of new media and information technologies – the fundamental components of the new information age – and create and apply these technologies to answer cultural questions , social, historical and philological. both those traditionally designed and those only made possible by new technologies. This implies that DH contributes to the preservation, management and accessibility of cultural, social and historical resources, ranging from the curation or management of online collections to data mining, large sets of cultural data cannot be neglected or underestimated to preserve the precious indigenous knowledge of different nations. We can find the idea that digital humanities are “less a unified field than a set of converging practices”. this seems to be the most useful way to describe or enumerate the observations and even more so the conditions which led to this mapping exercise, which also seeks to trace a sort of trajectory of practices which converge at this contemporary moment to generate new meanings and around the digital, rather than producing a conceptual history of the term in the Indian context or even imagining a field existing in one way or another. Although this notion of convergence, according to the definition, although not apparent or clearly expressed by anyone in India, seems to be the best possible way of describing the way in which certain practices and discourses have developed around the intersection of humanities and digital technologies in India. This rather organic growth of DH projects, practices, and courses in the absence of a meta-theory that would guide its epistemological concerns is an important conceptual question for each field itself and opens up a challenge for study. So even though the broader conversation around DH covers everything from instructional technology, new media and artistic practices, and integrated science education to cultural analysis, the fundamental concerns often remain the same, that of the intersection of previously distinct fields of knowledge now coming together, and the crucial role played by the Internet and digital technologies in bringing them together. The main objective of technology is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning and teaching, regardless of the nature of learning using a combination of human and non-human resources. human resources to provide more effective solutions to problems. In fact, this educational technology is the development (research, design, production, evaluation, support-supply, use) of the components of educational systems (messages, people, materials, devices, techniques, parameters) and the management of this development organization , staff. systematically with the aim of solving educational problems. It can be seen that it is a systematic process of designing, carrying out and evaluating the entire learning and teaching process in terms of specific objectives, based on human learning research and communication and employing a combination of human and non-human resources to achieve more effective teaching. “The activity system, composed of the (subject) and its mediating tools and environment(rules, community, division of labor), is defined by the object, or objective, of the activity. The object-oriented nature of the activity is what gives it direction, as well as what distinguishes it from other activities. The object must correspond to the motive which animates the system and to the interrelation of its elements. such underutilization and the resulting role change reinforced the opposing activity system; which makes the change less likely to affect a return to the construction of the object by the teacher and learning: research is now considered as a process of selection of tools, research and evaluation of the relevance. In fact, this is a general model that the research team should construct as an individual practice model. to focus on the challenge that is mostly silent in every contextMethodologies and toolsMethodologies and tools have taken over education and the web cloud today, as researchers examine new/emerging issues, while revisiting past assumptions. As we know, both the field of digital humanities and the tools continue to grow and evolve, one is sure to see even more amazing creations and in-depth reevaluations of previous knowledge. As Kale Greenfield says: “Any study in the humanities that either focuses (reflexively) on the digitality of its subject, or any area of ​​the humanities studied is enhanced by digital tools and methods. Even more exciting, anyone can participate in this latest tech venture. The contents of this research methodological toolkit include a list of a wide range of methods, which have been categorized as text analysis techniques, database design, numerical analysis, methods themselves, a brief description of all techniques and methods. ten detailed sheets which describe a particular method in great detail. In fact, this "toolkit" is a collection of related information, resources or tools that together can guide users in developing a plan or organizing efforts to track evidence-based recommendations or to meet specific evidence-based standards of practice. Technological innovations increase the demand for reforms in teaching and learning approaches, which in turn have a significant impact or influence on expectations for the use of technology. authority: the observations cannot be denied, and the fundamentals must be adjusted. You must perform a sort of pincer maneuver. - Gregory Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind.Digital Humanities Toolkits: A Cloud Of KnowingThe best-known cloud maker is Wordle, and although Con-cordle may not produce such sophisticated word clouds than those of Wordle, described as “Wordle’s not-so-pretty cousin.” it offers important features interesting for language teachers and students. Word clouds (Concordle) are very popular in presentations, on web pages, used in books, lessons, etc., as attractive assemblies of words. The essential characteristic of a word cloud is that the more frequent a word is in the input text, the larger it appears in the cloud. And the cloud in this context is a graph containing the keywords in the text that the user provides. On the one hand, it allows you to see what the keywords are, which is useful if you are preparing to read a text whose keywords you do not know. And that can give you an idea of ​​what a text is. ( Sophie it is used or allows users to combinetext, visual images, videos and sound, simply and easily and without any programming knowledge or training in the use of more complex tools such as Éclair. The system allows comment frames to add discussions in books, the development of digital libraries compatible with the Sophie application, i-Pad and the creation of timelines. Importantly, Sophie includes HTML5 export for data incorporating multimedia content and can be used and played on a wide variety of devices. ( This is a product of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that "dynamically presents historical data in a flexible online environment." By easily switching between vertical and horizontal orientations, researchers can quickly analyze large numbers of events, highlight and filter events based on topic or tags, and recontextualize historical data. "It is accessible through Facebook, Google or a Twitter/blog account. The software allows a person to join a number of libraries, museums and other institutions to share your photos or other materials with users around the world whole and also helps "insight into the past and construct the vast story of human history. It is an open source, web-based reading and analysis/interpretation environment for any digital text." It helps the scientific reading and interpretation of texts or corpora, particularly by researchers in digital humanities, but it is also used by students and the general public. It can be used to analyze texts online or online. times uploaded by users It is a community-supported text and social media analyzer (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, RSS feeds or text/CSV files /) that automatically summarizes and discovers. social media (online conversations on social sites.) It's created by researchers, no programming or API skills are required to use it, and it's a user-friendly way to explore, visualize, and 'use publicly available data. It is “an open source tool that allows anyone to create visually rich and interactive timelines. Beginners can create a timeline using nothing more than a Google Spreadsheet, adding media from sources like Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Dailymotion, Google Maps, Wikipedia, Sound Cloud, and Document Cloud. It helps users search historical data, copy and paste from existing spreadsheets using drag and drop to download tabular data (e.g. .csv, .tab, .tsv). You can create a link to a file in a public Dropbox folder. It provides a wonderful suite of tools that enables the creation and sharing of scientific collections or exhibitions including "complex narratives… adhering to Dublin Core standards." It is an addition of Omeka -on, which allows further of tools for creating maps and timelines It provides a key toolkit that requires no technical or programming knowledge. It can be used for a wide range of projects, such as creating repositories, exhibitions,. maps and multimedia content It is an open source community that offers free downloads of its software and a sharing blog, with the aim of making it “the best GIS tool in the free and open source software community. open source (FOSS) » This is free visualization software that allows you to take a wide variety of data-driven information (from spreadsheets, files, etc.) to create. interactive data visualizations.