
  • Essay / History of the Four Aryans - 537

    According to the archaeologist, factual evidence suggests that the Aryan civilization emerged around 3300 BC. However, it appears that the Aryans did not integrate into the social framework of the Indus Valley until 1500 BC. As you study the history of Aryan culture, you learn that there are different groups of Aryans, classified by the “Four Varnas”. The Four Varnas are a traditional society consisting of Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Usually these four Varnas constitute four different class types, Brahman being the educator/saint class, the Kshatriya the warrior class, the Vaishy the trader/farmer class and the Shudra the servant/artist class. The Brahman class was intended for teachers. , as well as holy priest, to offer advice and organize religious ceremonies. The Kshatriya class was intended for guards like policemen, fighters and other leaders. Usually, Kshatriyas were expected to protect citizens from evil, especially women, children, cows, Brahmins and the elderly, be first in battle and never flee from the battlefield, and never refuse a challenge.. ...