
  • Essay / Animal Farm: Snowball against Napoleon - 635

    It was the glorious speech of the Old Major that made the animals so want to rebel. Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, is an excellent novel that depicts the need for power. It shows how power can be used for good or evil. The story begins at Manor Farm, owned by a farmer named Mr. Jones. One of the pigs, named Old Major, gives a speech that motivates the animals to rebel. After a while, the animals finally rebelled and managed to kick Mr. Jones out. At the beginning of the reign of “Animal Farm”, under the leadership of Snowball and Napoleon (main characters), the animals of Manor Farm were gathered into a peaceful world. However, after this first position of power, Snowball and Napoleon began to fight for it. In the end, Napoleon is left with control of the farm and Snowball is never seen again. Power is a corrupting influence in Animal Farm and Snowball and Napoleon's way of ruling is very different. Snowball is a “lively pig… quicker to talk and more inventive, but was not considered to have the same depth of character” (Orwell, 13). Snowball is a brilliant orator who “conquered the majority with his brilliant speeches” (43). Snowball is lively and friendly and sincerely believes that all animals are equal. He believes in animalism, where all animals share equal labor and the fruits of their labor. He believes in the Seven Commandments and later creates committees for the animals to learn. Snowball has the idea of ​​building a windmill that would “save so much labor that the animals would only need to work three days a week” (46). Snowball is the visionary of Old Major's beliefs and strives to make the farm a better place for the animals. Snowball recognizes that power can be a corrupting influence, middle of paper...... their job, but especially with brute force. In Snowball's and Napoleon's actions, they both have some corruption of leaders, although Snowball's corruption is less severe than Napoleon's. The corrupting influence of power on Animal Farm creates two very different characters, Snowball and Napoleon. Even though Snowball, who is the lively and friendly pig, and Napoleon, who is the fierce and cruel boar, they have their similarities. They want to be the leaders of Animal Farm, they agree on the Seven Commandments and animalism, and they are masters in the art of convincing and persuading. While most of the characters aren't perfectly similar or opposite, it's important to know that the ending of Animal Farm could have been quite similar if it ended with Snowball as the leader. Works Cited Orwell, George. Animal farm. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954. Print.