
  • Essay / Peace like a river - 754

    “Land of Reuben, in the name of the living God, I tell you to breathe” (Enger 3). Using the astonishing words of Leif Enger's novel Peace Like A River, it takes readers on the journey of eleven-year-old Reuben Land's asthmatic life. This illness influences one's character to become troubled by the effects of asthma, dependent on the help of others and hoping that a miracle will improve a distressing situation. In this heartfelt novel, Reuben's asthma greatly influences his character as he becomes troubled by the distressing effects of his illness. A quote to show the problems his asthma is causing him is when Reuben wakes up without breath. One alarming morning, he became conscious and explained: “…my breath was gone. Anyone would panic. I struggled, I swerved, and I bent my back” (183). The previous quote reveals that he must suffer from a feeling of vulnerability, knowing that few eleven-year-old boys his age struggle to find a breath of air often. As a result, Reuben is forced to live his life, knowing that he is not as strong as the others, physically. Additionally, Swede and Reuben argue during their stay with Roxanna. This argument leads them to fight, and Reuben explains how: "She pulled away and stood over me, and I was a panting ruin" (186). This quote sadly explains how, although Reuben is older, he lacks physical dominance compared to Swede. She eventually overpowers Reuben in their physical fight. From there, he would regret the fact that Swede tempted him by observing his weakness. Being the healthier and more vigorous sibling compared to Reuben, she often helps him, due to his weakness. Oddly enough, the Swede has lost some vision of Reuben as an older brother, ...... middle of paper ...... Reuben is afraid for Davy's sake. He fears the worst from his strong older brother. , died. During this troubled time, one of the key factors on Ruben's mind is praying for a miracle so that his brother will be perfectly safe. This quote also explains the deep connection to the Lord that Reuben holds. He is able to look up and pray for a miracle, instead of completely losing hope. In conclusion, Reuben's illness influences his character to become highly dependent on others, full of hope of miracles and troubled by the effects. Therefore, his asthma greatly shaped his character and who he is today. Although Reuben has become very troubled by his illness, physically, he learns to remain stubborn, mentally. Works Cited Enger, Leif. Peace like a river. 1st ed. New York: Atlantic Monthly, 2001. Print.