
  • Essay / Short story: Stonewall - 926

    Pain. That's all he felt when he woke up. Pain. He tried to open his eyes but met resistance. He slowly raised his hands to his face. Every movement of a muscle sent spikes of pain through his system, reminding him of what had happened, or at least part of it, huge chunks of it were missing. He felt his eyes, well not his eyes but the bandages that covered them. As he woke up, he realized that the pain he felt extended to his entire body, including his face. “He’s awake. » It was a female voice that he heard, followed by a series of footsteps walking towards him and another moving away, then exiting through a door, to the sound of it. He felt hands guide his wrists to his sides. "The doctor will be here shortly," Harvey assumed it was a nurse speaking to him, "How are you feeling Harvey?" “What happened?” Harvey's mind immediately went back to school. What about his girlfriend, his friends, his teachers, did they make it through? Where were his parents. He heard the beep of his heart rate monitor increasing his pace. Harvey felt a small pinch on his arm, "This will help you relax, you've been through a lot." The nurse spoke in a soft voice as he felt his body relax. The heart rate monitor has gone silent. "The Doctor will be here soon, relax, you need to recover first, you've done a lot." “That’s an understatement,” a new voice, an email, and two sets of footsteps walking toward him. “Our young friend here saved many lives.” The voice was now next to Harvey. He heard papers being handled. “It looks like everything is okay.” Harvey felt a hand caress his shoulder. "It'll be okay son, we'll talk shortly, just sleep..." That's all Harvey heard as he was in the middle of a paper......on the floor, and he sighed . strongly. Harvey knew that meant bad news. When Trevor looked back at Harvey he could see it in his eyes, they were all dead. “The attackers destroyed most of the school, killing a total of more than 700 students and passers-by. The police tried to help him, but they were no match. » Zeiger's hand came up and gently squeezed Harvey's shoulder. “Your girlfriend was one of the victims. That was all Harvey had to understand, he choked back a sob, "What about my parents?" Harvey lived several blocks from the school, they would probably be fine. "While you occupied the first wave of 'attackers, a second transport ship was heading towards the school, you destroyed it somehow while it was still a few clicks away from the school, it crashed into. your street, no one made it out, I'm sorry Zeiger withdrew his hand, "It's a lot to take in, you want to talk.?”