
  • Essay / My personal statement for Nottingham University Business School China

    As a skydiver and glider pilot, I know that risks need to be assessed before taking to the air. Once there, the experience can be sometimes scary but always amazing. My first business cost $200 to start and collapsed after just 12 months of continuous operation. The start-up was based in Hong Kong and it was a great learning experience for me about entrepreneurship. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get an original essayHowever, as a graduate candidate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at Nottingham University Business School in China, I am eager to expand my knowledge and determined to get my next higher-stakes business off the ground. After obtaining my degree in communications and multimedia in France, I decided to live in the United Kingdom to improve my English. I discovered that learning and teaching a language could be a very interesting and exciting job. In fact, the greatest satisfaction I have had professionally came from teaching in China, as my students were able to significantly improve their lives through their language skills. This experience sharpened my natural curiosity about creating value for others. So I created a website to resell Western films dubbed into Chinese, because I knew these materials would be of interest to many Mandarin learners around the world. So, I turned my attention to business, spending countless hours reading blogs and books in order to educate myself. Since I knew the demand was there, I registered a business. However, I learned the hard way that Hong Kong and mainland China had separate copyright regulations, so I had to cease operations a few months later. Nevertheless, this experience was a revelation and a real call to entrepreneurship. During these twelve months, I have had the unparalleled experience of running a small business; from the choice of a product, its test, to the pleasure of the sale and the gratitude of a satisfied customer. Even though I made many mistakes, I was passionate about each step because they were all part of the big picture: “A Successful Business.” When I returned to France, I was determined to run my own business the right way. I joined an entrepreneur club and looked for profitable ideas. I finally found my next challenge through these years of personal reflection, research and social interaction. Indeed, I will create a company selling high quality French lavender products to a growing niche market in China, who wants to take care of their appearance and health. I already have an ethical and trustworthy manufacturer and partner ready to enter the Chinese market. I am now looking to become a full-time entrepreneur and business owner. I believe your program at Nottingham University Business School China will provide me with a solid foundation for my future ventures and business skills. Along with its excellent reputation and all the core skills taught for setting up and running a new business, Nottingham University Business School China is the ideal place to gain in-depth, practical experience of entrepreneurship in Greater China. It is a unique combination of British education with Chinese characteristics, which connects international teachers and like-minded students, who have a strong interest in turning viable ideas into real businesses in China. My various work and life experiences.