
  • Essay / Biography of Henry Ford

    Henry Ford was an extraordinary man. It changed the automobile industry in many ways. Henry Ford was an American automobile manufacturer who created the Ford Model T car in 1908. It then moved to the assembly line, which revolutionized the industry. Today, Henry Ford is known for helping build the American economy when the nation was vulnerable in its early years. He is also considered one of America's leading businessmen. It was early in his life that Ford gave birth to his ideas. When Henry was 13, his father gave him a pocket watch. He then took it apart and reassembled it. His neighbors and friends were very fascinated. They then asked him to repair their watches, which he did without any problem. Henry was not involved in the agricultural sector, so he left home at the age of 16. Once he left, Ford apprenticed in Detroit as a machinist with a shipbuilding company. Say no to plagiarism. Get a custom essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get the original essayIn 1888, Ford married Clara Bryant. By running a sawmill, Ford supported him and his new wife during the early years of marriage. He then returned to Detroit with Clara and became an engineer for the Edison Illuminating company. Ford was elevated to chief engineer, quickly rising through the ranks, two years later. Clara gave birth to the couple's only son, Edsel Bryant Ford, around the same time. Ford devoted his odd hours to building a gasoline-powered horseless carriage, or as we know it, an automobile. He completed what he called the "quadricycle" in 1896. It was powered by a two-cylinder, four-horsepower gasoline engine and included a lightweight metal frame equipped with four bicycle wheels. Ford sold the Quadricycle in order to continue building other vehicles. He was very determined to improve his prototype. Ford gained support from various investors over the next seven years. Some of them founded the Detroit Automobile Company in 1899. This organization would later be renamed the Henry Ford Company. The first car affordable to most Americans was the Model T. Ford offered the Model T in October 1908 and continued production until 1927. The car was remembered for its ruggedness and versatility, which immediately made it a tremendous commercial breakthrough. He was also recognized as "Tin Lizzie". Ford Motor Company has posted increases of 100 percent for several years. Inexpensive to repair and simple to use. Following Ford's invention of the assembly line, approximately half of all American cars in 1918 were Model Ts. Henry Ford powered the first moving assembly line for mass production of the automobile in 1913. This original technique reduced the time needed to develop a car from 12 hours to two and a half hours. Which then reduced the cost of the Model T from $850 in 1908 to $310 in 1926 for an authentic model. The first Ford car, the two-cylinder, eight-horsepower Model A, was assembled at a plant on Mack Avenue in Detroit. Ford produced the first V8 engine in 1932. However, by 1936 the company had fallen to third place in sales worldwide. automotive industry. Ford waged a long battle for labor unionization, despite his progressive minimum wage policies. He then refused to come to an agreement with the United Auto Workers, even after his rivals did so. In 1937, Ford security personnel fought with UAW organizers at the Rouge plant, after which the Council 1938. 83.