
  • Essay / Q&A for Saranya's The Road to Hell...

    What do you think Baker hoped to accomplish as a result of his conversation with Rennalls? Did he succeed? Why or why not? Baker hopes to be able to get Rennalls to admit his hatred towards other races, especially Europeans. I believe his goal was to make it public so that it could be discussed, and thus dealt with before accepting the position of Chief Engineer, a role that would require impartial and good treatment of subordinates of other races. than his. After reading this case study, I felt like Baker was between a rock and a hard place, because it wasn't just his own perception of Rennalls' behavior, which he may have been able to overlook, but the perception of all Europeans working for the company that Rennalls had a racial consciousness problem. Martha Jackson's complaint and a conflict with Godson, another employee, helped steer my assessment in this direction. Baker went against his better judgment by not ending the interview early. Although he finally realized what he had started doing, getting Rennalls t...