
  • Essay / Main problems of planet Earth: air pollution and...

    Pollution is a very serious problem that affects the global ecosystem and the way we live today. People in the future may have problems with so much pollution in forests, cities and suburbs that we may have to inhabit another planet. Some of the major problems are water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution and many other pollution forums. Comprising more than 70% of the earth, water is the most precious resource. Life on Earth would be non-existent without water, as it is essential for the growth of everything on our planet. The human body is made up of 50 to 80% water. Nearly ninety-five percent of the brain is made up of water. All systems and organs in the body need water to function and can provide a supply if they don't have any. Most chemical reactions that occur in our body require water as a source of life. We could live without food for more than two weeks, but we could not survive several days without water. This is essential because unlike other nutrients, water does not remain in the human body. Every day we tend to lose about ten cups of water, just to survive; urinate, sweat and breathe. All life forms contain water; some live there; some drink it. Plants and animals need pure water and they cannot survive if their water is loaded with harmful chemicals or harmful microorganisms. If humans don't recognize this fact, they could potentially kill off some of the animals or things that we know today won't be around in 50 years. Humans have forgotten this by polluting the earth's rivers, lakes and oceans. Unfortunately, humans tend to pollute our planet. Also kills organisms that disappear due to lack of impure water. The water has been greatly affected, as well as the people...... middle of paper ...... goodbye to that beautiful view you have of the city from the top of your penthouse, all the smog will block your view Pollution is a presence that seems to always be with us. The United States has laws that help combat pollution. Pollution can lead to shorter life, pollution can lead to many diseases and cause extinction of life. Humans are the largest producers of pollution in the world. Chemicals found in plants can also kill animals. Farmers put pesticides on their crops, the incestuous land on them gets infected with the chemical and will die. Bees in the United States are sick right now because of things like this and the smoke we use to get their honey. These pollutions are called chemical pollutions and they are very dangerous for humans and animals. People need to stop pollution and do better in the world. Clean up your planet, take care of it.!