
  • Essay / Managing four generations of employees - 1442

    Comparing intergenerational values ​​Robbins & Judge (2011) states that by comparing the values ​​of each generation, we will see that traditionalists are hardworking people and loyal to their organization, while baby boomers are only loyal to their careers. The other two generations have completely different values ​​in the sense that they are true to themselves and their relationships. Gen X and Millennials love being part of a team, but this is where they fall apart. Generation X values ​​flexibility so they can balance work and life, while Millennials see themselves as becoming rich or famous. While Baby Boomers place a high value on achievement and achievement, Generation X is unwilling to make personal sacrifices for the sake of their employer. Family and relationships are valued more than the organization (pp. 148-150). As baby boomers and traditionalists withdraw from the workforce, human resource managers must ensure that the workforce has trained those who retain the knowledge of these two groups, or they will be forced to hire some again part-time (Robbins & Judge 2011 p. 150). As one reads and compares the information provided so far, one begins to see commonalities, meaning that each generation has something to offer the other or an organization. However, without a diverse manager or leader, these common traits will not be able to be successfully highlighted within a workforce. The traits of each generation will not be effective and benefit the organization without a strong human resource manager leading the way. Effective Leadership StylesAccording to Naik (2012), 100 graduate students of a management degree examined what characteristics make a good leader. These students conclude...... middle of article ......options. (nd). Baby boomers. Retrieved November 23, 2013 from Options. (nd). Generation X. Retrieved November 23, 2013, from Options. (nd). Generation Y. Retrieved November 23, 2013 from JM and DeSimone RL, (2013). Human resource development (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Southwest. Kindle EditionZemke, R.; Raines, C. and Filipczak, B. (2013). Generations at work: Managing the shock of veterans, baby boomers, Xers and nexters in your workplace. American Management Association AMACOM. Performance Research Associates, 2000. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014). Read the law. Accessed February 12, 2013 from