
  • Essay / The Literary Structure of the Classic Fairy Tale “Snow White”

    Structuralist Analysis of Snow WhiteLiterature is full of binaries, which create meaning and function. Classic fairy tales are full of patterns, symbols, and binaries that use opposites to promote certain ideologies and convey certain messages. In the tale of Snow White, the structure followed is that of a sheltered beauty whose good heart and attractiveness make her a "pure" heroine who is put in unfortunate circumstances by a fierce antagonist - here, her mother-in-law who envies her youth and beauty. She goes through trials and tribulations, eventually saved by a handsome prince who is charmed by her beauty and marries her. Here, the function of beauty and “good” is predominant. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay History contains binaries like good and evil, beautiful and ugly. These binaries represent ideologies about beauty and ugliness, about what is considered good and evil. We see the prince fall in love with Snow White because of her beauty, for the same reason she falls in love with his charm. As characters too, Snow White and the Prince both embody beauty, kindness, and generally attractive qualities representing good – directly contrasting the greedy and ugly antagonists who embody evil. In this tale, the queen is ugly on the inside and uses beauty to stay in power, thus proving her perceived worth. In Snow White, the Queen is jealous of Snow White's beauty and orders her killed. It is her beauty that endears her to the dwarves she meets and draws the prince to her in the first place. Therefore, beauty is not only the cause of the problem but also the solution – which ultimately turns out to be her salvation and leads to a happy ending. Just as beauty is attributed to good, ugliness is attributed to evil. Although the stepmother is beautiful, she is portrayed as an ugly witch inside. Later, she becomes this ugly woman and dies unhappy. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized article from our expert writers now. Get a Custom Essay Another binary that exists is that of nobility and commoners. Snow White immediately falls in love with the handsome man with the rich clothes, beautiful horse, and promise of a good life. However, characters like the hunter who saves her or the dwarves who help her represent the commoners, the "secondary" characters who don't get the same importance or attention as the prince. This reflects class ideologies, the idea of ​​associating wealth and status with happily ever after and using commoners to highlight the positive characteristics of the protagonists and her lover. These types of structures result in an internalization of the valuation of beauty, status and wealth..