
  • Essay / Law Enforcement and Social Media - 684

    Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are very popular social media sites among today's generation. However, these types of social media sites may not seem like a bad idea until a loved one or child is involved in a situation they can't get out of. Social networks should be tougher with their users because children have no parental supervision, anyone is allowed to have one and use it for illegal activities, and people take advantage of the sites. This generation of parents does not supervise their children's social media sites. “These parents may lack a basic understanding of these new forms of socialization, which are an integral part of their child's life” (O'Keefe 5). The appropriate age in today's society to use social media is thirteen; however, it is up to parents to decide what the appropriate age should be. Children access these sites and pretend to be adults or even lie about their age. It is important for parents to be aware of their child's social life on and off the Internet. “Inappropriate peer-to-peer content; lack of understanding of online privacy issues; and outside influences from third-party advertising groups” (O’Keefe 5). The Internet is open to everyone. Most of the time it is open to any research. An eight year old should not be on the internet searching for pornography without knowing what they are looking at. When underage children search for something on the Internet, parents can go back and search for what their child searched for. There is no excuse for a parent not to be more involved in their children's lives on social media. Anyone is allowed to own social media and use it for any type of activity, including illegal activities. It's time...... middle of paper ...... on social media sites. “As marketing becomes more data-driven, it’s critical to use data to track trends, competitor strategies, and developments in your market” (Choice 8). Ninety-three of marketers use social media for professional purposes. Since not all advertisements are positive, companies make a lot of money from their advertisements. Ads are known to appear online and randomly. Fake ads will trick anyone into buying their product or whatever it is they are trying to sell people. Today's generation has the mindset that anyone is capable of having and/or being on social media. Owning something, especially when underage or over the legal age on a site, should be based on parental supervision, a non-convicted felon, and someone who will not take advantage of the sites he or she she uses..