
  • Essay / A Research Paper on Smoking: Should Society Ban It

    Cigarettes are one of the deadliest man-made creations in history; with an annual mortality rate from cigarette-related illnesses that is higher than other dreadful illnesses. Tobacco was discovered in South America by American Indians for medicinal and religious purposes. American Indians believed that tobacco; they also used it as a painkiller. In the 15th century, tobacco was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus, and it was at this time that it was smoked and popularized. Tobacco use is disastrous in every way and should be considered taboo. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay First of all, smoking has been shown to be harmful to your health in many ways, causing many diseases. However, this matter cannot be proven since the excuse given is that it is their own body and they are responsible for the consequences in which they expose themselves. Which is, in itself, a sign of a desperate need for an apology. Smokers should understand that tobacco can affect their body in a pessimistic way; and that it can contribute to serious illnesses which can lead to death. Customers may also take issue with the fact that tobacco cigarette production includes “pure” tobacco plants that are natural; supposedly making them harmless. This shows the ignorance of tobacco smokers since tobacco manufacturing includes harmful additives including nicotine, tar and ammonia. These are just three of the 250 or more known harmful preservatives. The image that tobacco use should convey is that of a health hazard, causing a torrent of diseases. Second, it is consistent that tobacco use is deadly and that manufacturers mislead buyers into believing that cigarettes are less harmful than they actually are. . Tobacco is the cause of many deaths. It is estimated that the number of people who die each year from tobacco is around seven million, more than the number of people who die from malaria, AIDS and accidents combined. Additionally, smoking cigarettes leads to many diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, and clogged arteries; which leads to noticeable high blood pressure. In fact, one in three people who die from cancer are smokers, making it one of the leading causes of cancer. Additionally, the production and binding of tobacco cigarettes requires a large amount of paper each year. Today, cigarette manufacturers use about six kilometers of paper per hour. Tobacco farming modifies the soil by consuming nutrients from the soil more quickly than other plants. Therefore, the use of fertilizer is necessary to replace nutrient-deprived soil. In poverty-stricken countries, fertilizer is unaffordable, and so they must find new places to grow crops, leading to deforestation. We repeat, tobacco smoke causes fatal diseases; as well as significant deforestation. Second, tobacco smokers do not realize that they are not only affecting their own bodies, but they are also affecting other people exposed to their smoke; they also affect the air around them. Tobacco smoke causes many dangers to health and the environment. The smoke emitted by smokers into their environment causes significant air pollution. The amount of smoke created by burning tobacco contains more than 7,000 harmful synthetic mixtures that contaminate rustic and private environments and can be harmful even