
  • Essay / The Secret of Forgiveness in Joseph Play

    I saw Joseph at 2:45 p.m. on July 16, 2015 at Sight and Sound Theaters in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. The series is about a young man named Joseph, who must learn the secret of forgiveness. This play follows the biblical story of Joseph, which takes place in Genesis chapters 37-47. The story centers on Joseph, his eleven siblings, and his father Jacob. Of Joseph's 11 brothers and sisters, only one came from the same mother. The idea of ​​forgiveness is most prevalent in this story, while the idea of ​​fear and trust are also prevalent. Just like the idea of ​​good versus evil. The idea of ​​good versus evil was more prevalent as Joseph struggled with whether he should throw his brothers into the deepest, darkest dungeon and leave them there or whether he should forgive him. Whether he should do what is wrong or what is right. Another time this idea was relevant was when Joseph was tempted by Potiphar's wife. Also another time, Joseph's brothers were debating what to do to him. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay The play begins with Joseph sitting in a wagon. He falls asleep and begins to dream. He dreams of 13 trees bowing before him. These trees he took for his brothers and his parents. He tells his brothers about his dream and they become jealous of him. In the next scene, Joseph returns home to Jacob's camp. Jacob then invites Joseph to dine alone with him. When Simeon asks if he can eat with them, Jacob responds, “Go home to your family.” » During dinner, Joseph tells his dream to Jacob and his younger brother Benjamin. Jacob begs him not to tell his brothers because they are jealous. Joseph replies that it has already been done. After dinner, Joseph falls asleep by the fire and dreams of eleven stars bowing to him and the sun and moon bowing to him. Again, depicting his eleven brothers as well as his mother and father. He tells his brothers his dream. They make fun of him and make him promise never to wear his coat again. Then his father, Jacob, declares that he does not believe Joseph's dream. Joseph runs away, upset. Benjamin comes to him and tells Joseph that he believes in his dreams. Jacob finds them and asks Joseph to find his brothers. Joseph goes to get his brothers and they throw him into a pit. His brothers then met a merchant and sold Joseph to him as a slave. Joseph is then sold to Potiphar. Potiphar is impressed by Joseph's intelligence and kindness. He enjoys Joseph's company. Potiphar's wife also enjoys Joseph's company, and over time she becomes attached to him. After a while, she tempts Joseph and tells him she wants him. He replies that she is his employer and a married woman. She replies that she does not want Potiphar, but Joseph. Joseph refuses to do what she wants. Lady Potiphar then tells her husband that Joseph raped her and although he doubts his wife, he questions Joseph. Although he doubts his wife even after the interrogation and seeing for himself that Joseph is truly innocent, he puts Joseph in a prison far away. After some time, Pharaoh asks Joseph to tell him what his dreams mean. Joseph deciphers Pharaoh's dream to mean that there will be seven years of plenty, then a severe famine. Joseph tells Pharaoh what he suggests so that famine would not be a problem for Egypt. After seeing Joseph's information, he decides that Joseph should be put in charge of this task of preparing Egypt for famine. He considers Joseph second only to him in making the laws. Joseph then married Azenath and had two sons. Some time later,famine occurs and Joseph's brothers, minus Benjamin, arrive to gather food for their family. Joseph's assistant questions them and tells them that one of them must stay and go back to find their other brother, Benjamin. Simeon, as the eldest, stays. Joseph tells Azenath what he has planned for his brothers. She begs him not to plan revenge because this isn't it. He accepts after careful consideration. Although against Jacob's wishes, Benjamin leaves with his brothers for Egypt. Joseph then invites the brothers to dinner. They share a meal and talk about their family and their lives. Joseph slips a silver goblet into one of the brothers' bags and accuses them of stealing it. He plants the cup on Benjamin so that he can keep him with him and protect him from his other brothers. Simeon, Reuben and the others say they will take Benjamin's place. That their father is old and will surely die without Benjamin. Joseph told them to go get their father. Once their father returns, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and his father. They all celebrate and hug each other. Joseph invites them to stay with him in Pharaoh's palace. All the actors/actresses were extraordinary. They all had wonderful voices, however, some were more trained/seasoned than others. Joshua Keefer, who played Joseph, was incredible. Her voice was very impressive because she had a very wide range. He was also an incredible actor. He portrayed the emotion really well and without that, the story wouldn't have had such an impact on the audience. Melissa Mejrabian, who played Potiphar's wife, also had a very impressive voice and was particularly good at playing her role. Steve Atherholtz, who played Simeon, was very good at portraying his role and really made the audience believe that he hated Joseph. It was very well done. However, he struggled with the musical numbers and didn't have the strongest voice, but that didn't really detract from the piece as a whole. Tom Sharps, who played Jacob, was also excellent. He was very convincing in his character. Jessica Atherholtz, who played Azenath, did a great job in her character and really helped move the story forward. She also did a great job portraying the emotions. All the information I have here on the actors comes from this YouTube video There was no wasted space and the play really benefited from the large stage it had. The decor was appropriate. In the first scene, the setting was a wagon on the left, with straw. During Joseph's dream in this scene, they used white strobe lights to make it seem like a dream. Then the scene changed and there was a tent made of colorful fabric, much like Joseph's cloak, in the center of the scene. There were also rocks in front of the tent, which formed the base of the tent. Later, on the rocks, Jacob lit a fire around which Joseph and Jacob dined. In the next scene, a screen fell behind a tree, which was in the center of the scene and that's where Joseph and Benjamin were talking. Then, as Joseph was traveling to Dothan to reunite with his brothers, the scene changed to a city and there were buildings to the right and left of the scene and rocks/the pit to the right of the scene. Then the scene changed again with the merchant's boat on stage left and the large statues of the Pharaoh on stage right. The next scene was where there was a projection of doors at the back of the stage, center stage, and on the left of the stage was a table with a white tablecloth and food on it. Then there was a scene change with a rock in a prison, which is to the right of the stage, and.