
  • Essay / Middlemarch - 872

    Dorothea and Celia are two orphans who live with their uncle in Middlemarch. Their uncle, Mr. Brooke, is not married. Both sisters are of marriageable age. Dorothea, although offering younger friends a choice, chooses Casaubon, a man several decades her senior whose main ambition is to be a scholar and his work in that regard. No one supports Dorothea's decision to marry Casaubon. Celia chooses Sir James Chettam, a man of honor who initially wanted to marry Dorothea, before she refused him. Celia and Mr. Brooke do their best to convince Dorothea that marrying Casaubon is not in her best interests, but she refuses to listen. Dorothea likes him because he is educated and she wants to learn, even if the marriage is a mistake. Dorothea and Casaubon get married. They spend their honeymoon in Rome. During this time, they meet a man called Will Ladislaw. Who happens to be Casaubon's younger cousin, but it's clearly obvious that Casaubon doesn't like Will. On the other hand, Dorothea likes him a lot and they bond quickly, immediately upsetting Casaubon and making him very jealous. The honeymoon is not going well. An upset Casaubon devotes all his time and energy to his work, leaving Dorothea alone and feeling useless and hated. Fred Vincy, a new character, part of a new storyline, is a jerk. He has a gambling debt, he couldn't finish his studies and he can't pay off his debt because he doesn't have a job. Fred like Mary Garth, he asks Mary's father to co-sign the debt. Then he gets the money to pay for it from his Uncle Featherstone. Yet Fred finds a way to waste the money. Leave the Garths, who are not rich people, to pay. Lydgate moves to town with another new character. He is a young man; he works as a doctor and brings new medical methods to the city. I...... middle of paper ......argument. Will immediately leaves the city to move to London, to find another job; she stays and tries not to think about him too often. Fred decides, quite by chance, to become Mary's father's assistant. His parents aren't too happy about it, but it's all he wants to do or has any aptitude for. Bulstrode buys Stone Court from Mr Rigg, the heir to the Featherstone fortune. Mr. Rigg then decides to leave town and return to the coast. Bulstrode meets someone from his past: Mr. Raffles. Mr. Raffles is a moron who sells stolen goods. He threatens to blackmail Bulstrode. Raffles then goes to marry Mr. Rigg's mother and tries to get money from Mr. Rigg, but Rigg refuses him and tells him to get out of his and his mother's lives. Raffles continues to harass Bulstrode so Bulstrode pays Raffles to leave, but Raffles comes back and he is very ill..