
  • Essay / Raw, unbridled fury - 663

    Since the earliest human beings, people have tried to communicate with each other. The problem with communication is that, especially over time, people have become further apart from each other, both physically and mentally, making it more difficult to communicate with someone who doesn't speak the same language as you or does not follow the same language as you. customs. The only way to show a person who doesn't understand your language what you are trying to say is through pictures. Images are essential since anyone can look at an image and understand what it is. This is a very important part of the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie. In this book, the main character, Junior, spends much of his time in his room drawing cartoons, many of which are featured in the book. I also draw extensively and find it a useful tool for getting out of situations and expressing my opinions. Junior feels like the world can understand him better if he draws, and I feel the same way. Junior has to go through a lot of struggle and pain throughout this book, so he often relies on his comics to help him get through it. difficult times, but he also uses it to express his ideas and opinions to everyone who reads him. For example, Junior talks about how he uses drawings as compensation to go out. He's afraid of bullies who would tear him to pieces if he sets foot outside, so he uses comics as a dimension to escape to so he doesn't have to experience the real world as much. Second, he uses his drawer abilities to make Rowdy happy. Especially in one part of the book, Junior draws a picture of the two of them as superheroes as an apology for their transfer to Reardon, Junior remarks "Rowdy might have freaked me out, b..... . middle of paper .... ....towards ourselves and others Comics are a beautiful way to express raw emotions to others, and Junior and I understand that. he can never really tell the world what your opinion is, so I want you to take a pencil and draw your life. Show people what you wrote and drew, they will be interested in it. It doesn't matter if you can only draw. sticks or a drop, what really matters is what you have to say If everything you are trying to convey can be understood and appreciated, then you are on the right track. Finally, when you see people. say how much your comic made them laugh, or cry, or feel all those emotions, the feeling you'll get won't be far from absolute euphoria. Works CitedAlexie, Sherman and Ellen Forney. The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian. New York: Little, Brown, 2007. Print.