
  • Essay / Essay on international law - 1084

    International lawyerA career so old that the Egyptians practiced it, that's international law. “Law is the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it can enforce by imposing sanctions” (“Definition of Law in English”), while international law is the same philosophy just over a number of years ago. much broader spectrum. Lawyers who wish to practice it must learn many aspects of law from around the world. International law can be a public or private career that takes years to study, but it helps balance a world filled with diversity. International law has been around for ages, even though it doesn't yet have a title. The definition of international law is “the legal responsibilities of states in their behavior toward each other and in their treatment of individuals within state borders” (“Global Issue at the United Nations”). Although international law dates back to the ancient Middle East, its foundations were not really laid until the European Renaissance. The Renaissance developed sovereignty and nation states, making it the most similar international legal system in history to today's legal system. Europeans enacted treaties with other states and laws that all states agreed to follow in order to respect borders, just as the modern world does today. According to international law, the Charter of the United Nations sets the objective "to establish conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law may be maintained" ("Charter, United Nations , Preamble "). International law is no longer used exclusively in states but in countries around the world. The League of Nations was...... middle of paper......researchers maybe give a lecture once a month but don't go in depth on a topic. Obviously, everyone has a different goal in their work as well as the way they go about it. International lawyers can choose to benefit from a business or a life, as long as they play by the rules and follow the regulations, it is considered okay. Overall, international law is a job that can truly impact a life. It also gives a lawyer plenty of chances to get out of the jury room/office in question. Not only has this form of law existed for centuries, but it continues to influence the world today. It takes years to receive recognition as an international lawyer, but the opportunities this career offers are endless. Whether a lawyer wants a public or private career, they have a variety of options in each. In conclusion, a degree in international law is exceptionally diverse.