
  • Essay / Fatherly Love - 2609

    "Mr. Leôncio," Malvina said in a forced tone as she approached the sofa on which her husband was lying, "I would like to say a few words, if you don't mind." “I am always at your orders, dear Malvina,” he replied, standing up agile and joyful, like someone who had no need to make amends for past actions, indifferent to the ceremonious tone Malvina treated him with. “What do you want from me?” “I want to tell you,” exclaimed the young woman in a severe tone, trying in vain to give her beautiful face a fierce look, “I want to tell you that you insulted and betrayed me in your house , in the most unworthy and disloyal way..." "Damn!... What are you talking about, my dear... Explain yourself better, because I don't understand what you mean.. " " In vain you pretend to be surprised, sir; you know well the cause of my disgust. I should have foreseen this shameful behavior; it has been a long time since you were affectionate towards me and you treated me with so much. coldness and indifference.." "Oh! My beloved wife, do you want the honeymoon to last forever?... That would be very monotonous and prosaic. " Malvina shouted, causing her face to turn red and her eyes to show her terrible anger at him. “Oh, don’t get mad like that, Malvina, I’m just kidding,” Leôncio said, trying to take her hand. "Good opportunity for a joke!... Don't touch me, sir!... What a shame!... Your actions shame us both." "Would you like to explain?" "I haven't need to do it. explain to me; you know very well what I mean. I only have to demand..." "Then ask, Malvina." "Give any fate to this slave. ..... middle of paper ...... With fear and taking the letter that Leôncio threw on the desk, he began to read it in a hesitant voice: "Leôncio, I have to tell you some painful news, which you won't expect. It is an anguish that we will all have to endure one day, and that we must endure with resignation. Your father has died; he died the day before yesterday, victim of a cerebral hemorrhage..." Malvina could not continue; and at that moment, forgetting the offenses and everything that had happened on that tragic day, she threw herself into the arms of her husband and kissed him as her tears mingled with his. My father! My father! ...All is lost! » Isaura exclaimed, lowering her beautiful face to Miguel's chest. “We have no more hope! » “Who knows, my daughter! » retorted his father gravely. “We must not lose faith; great is the power of God!"