
  • Essay / Gun control is NOT the solution - 982

    Arguments against gun controlThe growing arguments around gun control correspond to the increase in violence and problems related to weapons and their use. This in turn prompted the expansion of gun control initiatives and shaped public opinion, particularly in promoting increased regulation up to and including prohibition. For this reason, it became controversial as it divided citizens' opinions, particularly regarding their stance in favor of different goals. Arguably, the process of developing gun control remains damaging due to its capacity to challenge individual rights and freedoms, undermining the value of guns and firearms in promoting deterrence and self-defense and its inability to recognize the commitment to the existing reasonable management of firearms. and control initiatives already in place. The challenge to individual rights and LibertyCentral in its arguments against gun control is its ability to restrict any citizen of the United States' constitutionally protected right to own guns. Specifically, its connection to the 2nd Amendment, in which it seeks to protect people's individual liberties, is duly recognized. This facet also applies to gun ownership, regardless of the original purpose and intent. “The Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights grants private citizens the right to bear arms. Thus, those who strongly oppose gun control insist that no legislation, technically, should have the right to take away guns from a citizen without first repealing the amendment in question” (Groberman 1 ). A good approach to consider to highlight this part is to deprive the citizen of his fundamental right based on a specific presumption that it would be used for violence or crime...... middle of paper ......can society in general.Works CitedBalanced Should civilian possession of handguns and other non-hunting weapons be banned or severely restricted? Web Available from Groberman, Alex. “Arguments Against Gun Control” Opposing Views. 2011 Web Available from Hardy, David. “Why Gun Owners Are Right to Fight Gun Control” Web Available from Showalter, Amy. “Five reasons the NRA won the recent gun control debate that have nothing to do with politics” 2013 Web Available at