
  • Essay / My grandfather was my role model - 1023

    My grandfather was my role model because he always helped others. He was a doctor and he treated patients, even if they couldn't pay him. It didn't matter to him. All that mattered was that he was able to help someone. He was hospitalized and needed blood. A stranger gave him blood. Thanks to this stranger, he was able to live a few more days. These days were the most significant of my life. Because of this incident, I started volunteering at Canadian Blood Services. I even formed a club at my school to raise awareness and recruit new donors and volunteers to be proactive. My grandfather was my inspiration. It changed my outlook on life. I want to follow in his footsteps and do everything I can to improve the lives of others. He helped me realize how incredible giving was. He always made me smile and I wanted to do the same for someone else. I want to give back and make the world a better place like he did. He made me who I am today. Joining the dragon boat was a challenge that I felt was beyond my abilities. It was clear that I was not very fit and I was told that it was a demanding sport that required a lot of commitment. Even though I was the only member not attending school, I still made the decision to join Eric Hamber Eternal Dragon. Joining the team was one of the best decisions I've ever made. They are my second family. I went from being a little girl who couldn't do a single push-up to being the main paddler. I was named captain of the women's boat at the national championships, even though I came from a different school. Dragon boating taught me to push myself beyond my limits and to never give up. Any practice seems impossible; However, me and my team...... middle of paper...... do it. Tasks that can be easily accomplished for me may be extremely difficult for someone else. I live a privileged life and, as a result, I strongly believe in giving back to the community. My grandfather taught me that simple gestures like a smile can go a long way. He taught me that I don't have to be a superhero to save lives. He explained to me that slowing things down and noticing the little things in life is meaningful and influential. He showed me, by example, the satisfaction of helping others. I know my grandfather would be proud of how I have done my part to help society and the community. He and I share the same dream of having a world with less suffering. He taught me to follow and achieve my dreams. Everything he taught me, I applied to my life. My grandfather motivated me to change the world and be the best person I could be.