
  • Essay / Application and Benefits of Wind Energy in South Africa

    Table of ContentsIntroductionAnalysisFeasibility in South AfricaAdvantages of Wind EnergyConclusionIntroductionCoal has been a source of energy for various countries around the world and around the world for many decades. This rock is formally identified as a dark, hardened sedimentary rock formed from decaying plant substances which are then burned and used as fuel, providing energy for various tasks. The formation of rock can take several years, unlike turning rock into fuel, but the process of converting rock into fuel has a negative impact on the environment. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay In South Africa, coal has been used to provide energy for domestic and industrial use since the discovery of the fuel on South African lands. mining has started in various regions of the country possessing this energy rock. According to studies by Energy, approximately 77% of the country's basic energy needs come from this fuel. This is nevertheless linked to the easy access and large number of fuels on South African lands; These coal mines destroy land and expose mine workers to health risks, as inhaling underground coal fumes can lead to server health problems. Additionally, to create the required energy, it is necessary for the rock to be burned and then processed to create energy. This releases greenhouse gases, polluting the atmosphere and harming those who constantly inhale this substance. To avoid loss of life and preserve our environment, it is necessary for the country to adapt to an alternative and environmentally friendly energy source. There are, however, many alternatives that the country could consider; a feasible option would be the use of wind energy as the main source of energy for South Africa, this due to the land available in the interior of the country as well as the strong winds received along the coastal regions of the country as well as those located further inland. The research will be conducted to find out the feasibility of this energy source in the country, addressing questions regarding its effectiveness in the country as well as the benefits that the country could derive from the use of wind energy. This substitute is expected to benefit the country for various reasons which will be discussed below. AnalysisUnlike energy provided by fossil fuels such as coal, wind energy (also called wind power) is a form of energy that is not a source of energy. -polluting and renewable energy. For adequate energy to be generated by wind power, wind turbines equipped with generators are built to operate with the help of the prevailing winds in an area. These winds are formed by long-wave radiation as well as the rotation of the Earth. Winds form as a result of the Earth's rotation and the distribution of long-wave radiation from the Sun. Solar energy warms the Earth's surface at different rates, with large land masses warming faster than bodies of water. The heat received by the ground will influence the temperatures of the air around it, either by cooling the air or warming it. Due to the density of this air when heated, that which is heated by the earth is forced to rise due to the hot air possessing a lower density, being forced to rise and cool while the air surrounding the bodies of water will descend inbecause of its value. density. The movement of air will further create winds while also being influenced by the rotation of the Earth. The movement of air has vast kinetic energy which can be converted into electrical energy using wind turbines. The force of the winds against the blades of the wind turbine causes the kinetic energy force to be transformed into mechanical energy which can be used for various activities however, with the use of an integrated generator, the mechanical energy can be advanced and converted into electrical energy suitable for domestic use and in various industries. The diagram below illustrated by Chip Gribben of The Green Homes Challenge depicts different parts of a wind turbine. This will help give a visual view of how the turbines work which is explained below. The kinetic air received by the wind turbine blades will rotate the blades, the blades of which are connected to a shaft which further powers a generator inside the turbine. The generator transforms this energy and supplies an electric current thus providing electrical energy. The process of this transformation requires no human labor and does not release harmful toxins into the environment, which is why South Africa should rely on wind power rather than the country's current energy source . Feasibility in South AfricaIndustrial wind energy projects are often built in open land areas due to the space required for efficient operation. The objective of placing the turbines in open terrain is because the turbines therefore require a constant air flow; these winds received by the wind turbines cannot be hindered or deflected by an opposing object. However, wind power can also be harnessed on residential land, which limits the efficiency of the wind turbine as residents have limited open land as there are various obstructions including houses and/or trees, in the observed area. However, wind farms can be built at some point. rational distance from households through the use of transmission lines which will be connected from the source to different households in a region. Research carried out by Richard Gaughan found evidence that the distance of turbines from influencers impacts efficiency, further discovering that domestic turbines require a distance of 150 meters from different wind barriers to produce power sufficient. Additionally, the rotor blades require a height of 9 meters, exceeding that of their obstructors. Additionally, wind turbines built for industrial use within wind farms require a minimum rotor spacing of 7 meters from each other. These studies by Richard revealed that spacing the rotors at this sufficient distance would improve the performance of wind turbines. As noted above, wind turbines require a large amount of space for sufficient performance. Given that several provinces in South Africa have open land, this form of alternative energy will be the most feasible, as various regions of the country already have enough wind and land to produce the necessary energy. Depending on the rain harvest, for optimal electricity production (by small wind turbines), the wind speed rotating the blades must be at least 16 km/h. As indicated by Batteries and Energy Technologies, wind turbines commonly used in households thus reduced in size, require a wind force of between 3 and 7 on the Beaufort scale. This scale is used globally to illustrate wind strength in a region. The scale goes from clam (0) to hurricane (12). Observations are made and the forces arethen classified according to their effect on surrounding objects such as trees. Larger industrial wind turbines in wind farms require a reading between 9 and 10 (±90 km/h) on the Batteries and Energy Technologies word scale. Since wind turbines depend on wind strength and land availability, we can conclude by saying that this form of energy will be sufficient in South Africa as the country currently has these needs. Various provinces in the southern interior of Africa have no inhabitants for various reasons, including the Northern Cape. This province is recognized as the desert zone of South Africa because rainfall is low, therefore; agricultural activities in the region have limits while also limiting population growth as those in this province are limited to various services. This therefore means that the province is a practical location for wind farms due to the space available. Infrastructure and vegetation are limited in the province, eliminating concerns about obstacles influencing turbine efficiency. Additionally, the province receives a moderate breeze which produces enough energy for the operation of wind turbines. As this province is located in an isolated desert area, it would be necessary to build transition lines that will transport the converted energy from the wind farm. to cities in different places. Although this will increase the cost of projects, once built, the turbines will provide sufficient power for a long time without requiring modifications. Additionally, planting farms in the Northern Cape region will reduce visual and noise pollution as this place is isolated and unseen and unseen by residents. South Africa has various sites suitable for wind farms. The majority of the country has sufficient wind power to power wind turbines. Other regions that could be considered for building wind farms include the Eastern Cape. Unlike the Northern Cape, this province constantly receives strong winds. Various studies carried out by Vici Markering have shown that the province has the windiest city in South Africa as well as the windiest railway station. Port Elizabeth, one of the most windy countries, recorded wind speeds of 4.3 m/s on average. Advantages of Wind Energy There are many advantages to the application of wind energy in South Africa. Although it is renewable and clean, this form of energy is cheap because the winds are constant and independent of other factors. Additionally, using this energy will help South Africa reduce the amount of pollution produced by current electricity generators such as coal. Burning these fossil fuels is toxic, but once the country turns to wind power as its primary source of energy, the use of these natural fossil fuels will be reduced, preserving them for generations to come. This form of energy releases no pollutants into the earth's atmosphere when converting winds into electricity, making it one of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy. Although turbines are considered to produce visual and noise pollution, they do not entirely endanger the environment by releasing toxins into the atmosphere, making them more feasible than other energy alternatives. Concerns may arise when discussing location. turbines because they are only effective when placed in open areas, away from obstructing objects. Given that South Africa has a large agricultural sector that supplies the country with various foods, some of which is..