
  • Essay / Transition Essay - 617

    • Visit training institutes and colleges to find out more about entry requirements; this will help students choose the courses needed in high school. For example, students interested in forestry must take science courses; engineers need advanced math courses; actors need drama classes and graphic designers need art classes as well as computer design classes (2010).3. Include your research into available community support and transition services. What options are available? Other transition-related services that are available to all high school students include career counseling, career center services, work experience training, academic programs, and job training classes ( 2010). Imagine this student is considering attending college. Explain how this student can be supported and accommodated at the college. Special education staff provide assistance with counseling, identification of career interests, educational and career planning, goal setting, pre-vocational training, academic support, and connections to programs and services specific (2010). Most colleges have a disability support advisor who will determine what accommodations the student will receive.