
  • Essay / What Roman Law Implies

    The Superior ArmyBrutal. Ruthless. Clever. The Roman army was one of the most famous military organizations in history. The expansion of their influence and the growth of their army was due to all the battles and wars they were able to win against their enemies. Training for years, the Spartan army, which was part of Rome, had ordinary citizens and elite soldiers ready for any type of battle. The Roman army was able to spread its culture thanks to its organization, its wealth of resources and its advanced weaponry. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay Within the Roman army, there were a multitude of ranks and groups. Clearly divided ranks were put in place and essential to the organization of the army. For example, there were large groups called Legions which included approximately 5,500 men. In these legions are ten cohorts, which contain approximately 480 men. While only nine cohorts contained 480 men, there was the tenth cohort consisting of approximately 800 men at the front of the formation. The commander who led the entire legion was called the Legatus Legionis. Legatus Legionis could be appointed by the emperor and were usually ex-tribunes and would serve as Legatus Legionis for three to seven years. Another rank, for example, would be that of cohort equities. It was infantry with cavalry elements. They were, however, considered “inferior to that of the equites alares” (Tripod, Auxiliary Rank Structure). There were also a multitude of other roles within the Roman army that contributed to the development of Rome, such as; Acceneus, Cacula, Aeneator, Clinicus and many more. Developing very rapidly, the Roman army experienced a rapid and massive uprising. The future possibility of Rome becoming an empire was reassured by Augustus. He wanted to stabilize the vaguely defined borders of the Roman Empire. His two ideas included overcoming military might to take areas of its borders by force, or by negotiating with other places to decide appropriate boundaries. This shows how Augustus knew his army was more superior than most and could easily overcome such an easy task. However, he particularly wanted to ally himself with them so that they would provide some sort of protection to Rome's borders. But before his army could undertake conquests, it usually trained in small plundering raids. Their rulers could “Perhaps their rulers were the ancestors of those who would become the patricians” (Romans PAR 1). One of the Roman army's first large-scale battles took place when Romulus was in command. He kidnapped Sabine women so that his mostly male soldiers could marry them. King Caeninenses was outraged and attacked the Roman army. He charged. He lost his army. He lost his life. Being a large army, it cost a lot of money, food, manpower, and supplies at first, but it would eventually pay off. The tax rate in Rome depended on how much land you owned and how much money you acquired. The tax was generally modest, amounting to only about 1%. However, in times of war, or simply a general lack of supplies, the tax rate would rise to 3%. Throughout the conquests and siege of the Roman army, they had collected a plethora of silver, gold and other valuable resources which they no longer needed to levy a tax on its citizens, in Italy, and turned only towards theprovinces for collection. Later, due to Roman expansion, Augustus completely reformed tax agriculture. When the Roman army first arose, taxation was essential to its uprising and supply of resources. The Roman uniform and armor helped soldiers avoid being injured in battle. One of the many pieces of armor they wore was the cassis, or helmet. This particular helmet was tactfully designed for sword fighting. Around the metal helmet is a protruding piece that would protect against quick attacks to the head. Additionally, the back of the helmet had a guard to defend against blows to the neck. Underneath the protection was a soft scarf to protect against the pressure of the helmet and the protection on the neck. The body armor, however, protected each side of the soldier, while the helmet only protected the upper and back. It was made of superimposed strips of metal. Secured with hooks and leather straps, the pieces would be pulled inward to hold them together. For the clothing aspect of the uniform, however, it was less complex. The uniform of Roman soldiers consisted of a woolen tunic that came down to the knees under their armor. The Romans “believed it was effeminate to wear pants” (John), so they could only wear tunics and, in some areas, tight-fitting leather pants. These parts of the Roman outfit allowed the best movements and protection during the battles of the Roman army. One of the best armies comes with some of the best military technological advancements. It is said that the Romans were more advanced than their time, "it was undoubtedly the Romans who pushed the scope of progressive technologies and profound tactical developments that directly affected their effectiveness on the battlefield" (Dattatreya), is an example of people recognizing the technological importance of the Romans. prowess. One of the many Roman military innovations is the Carrobalista. The Ballista mechanism is believed to have been invented in the 5th century. Roman twist catapult gadgets normally resembled a crossbow and had a wooden or, far superior, metal edge including a stock, winch, and base. ArcheoArt has represented the weapon under some points of interest, in view of the reproduction by Michael Lewis: “The caroballista: a powerful descendant of Roman ballistae and catapults. This two-person example is used at one point in the Dacian War. It fires heavy bolts and is an extremely powerful weapon, thanks to the wide range of its arms, which transmit a huge amount of stored spring energy to the ammunition. The tendon-loaded spring frames are made of iron and covered with durable leather to protect them from enemy fire and bad weather... To pull, a man turns the windlass to retract the slider and rope, while his teammate holds him in place stable and places a bolt on the slider; he then holds the bar and aims, while the first pulls on the trigger bar. The entire weapon is light enough that its two-man crew can move it and load it onto a cart when the division needs to move; In this way, it's the equivalent of a World War II Bren gun. (Dattatreya)Another weapon that greatly advanced and aided the Roman army in battle was the Corvus. Controlling territory, the Romans were unable to control the Mediterranean. They were considered “newcomers to the Mediterranean influence” (Dattatreya). So, to help themselves in naval battles, they created the Corvus. The Corvus was an essential piece to allow the Romans..