
  • Essay / Historical development of computing

    Coding is the procedure of assigning a code to something for the purpose of identification or classification, while computing is the examination and experimentation that serve as a basis for the design and use of computers. History of Computing It all started with the development of the Abacus between 2700 and 2300. It was the first known tool used for computing, helping people count. This was the simplest first computer system known, but the first complex computer system known was the Antikythera Mechanism, which dates back to 87 BC. This system was used to calculate astronomical positions and facilitate navigation in the seas. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get the original essay Computer science advanced further in 1837, when Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer algorithm along with Charles Babbage who invented the concept of the first programmable computer. Babbage built the first mechanical computer, built much like the modern computer. He named his mechanical computer "Analytical Engine" and it is known for being the first representation of what is now the modern computer. Ada Lovelace helped Charles Baggage with his analytical machine, known as the first computer programmer and seen as a mathematical genius. She wrote the first algorithm that worked on any machine used to calculate Bernoulli numbers. Although modern computing began with the design of the Turing machine by Alan Turing. The Turing machine is a mathematical computational design that represents an abstract computer, which manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. The tape is separated into squares, each square having a single symbol, functioning both as a vehicle for input and output and as a working memory for storing the results of standard actions of the calculation. Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a personalized article now from our expert writers.Get a Custom EssayModern computing machines also began with the invention of the transistor. The transistor is the cornerstone of modern computing devices. This is what made today’s modern computing possible. It is a semiconductor device used to increase or modify electronic signals and power. Computer technology was limited to government and military use until decades later, academic institutions came online, allowing Steve Wozniak, an American inventor, electronics engineer, programmer, philanthropist and technology entrepreneur, to build the Apple 1 circuit board, making home computing possible. Tim Berners-Lee, an English engineer and computer scientist, also invented the World Wide Web and Marc Andreessen, an American entrepreneur, investor and software engineer, built a browser..