
  • Essay / Role of Religious Impact in The Grapes of Wrath

    Authors often use religious allusions to reinforce the meaning of a novel. It is when the reader recognizes and understands these influences that the importance of the novel can be truly understood. In The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck uses numerous Christian references to deepen the underlying meaning of his novel. Steinbeck's use of complex methods to depict Casy as a Christ figure, Tom Joad as a disciple, the family as a greater "family" of humanity, and the Joads as the Israelites facilitate the novel's Christian influence. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Initially, Steinbeck presents the character played by Jim Casy as a Christ-like figure. Jim Casy travels with the Joad family on an expedition from Oklahoma to California. Casy, a former minister who renounced his former Christian beliefs, now strictly practices abstinence. “Casy's new 'religion' is based on love and belief in the soul of each person as well as in one all-inclusive soul, the 'Holy Spirit' of humanity” (Stanley Ed. 107 ). Jim Casy's initials, JC, also serve as confirmation of his character's function as a symbol of Jesus Christ. Even Casy's actions correspond to those of Christ: he is first introduced in the novel after escaping society by fleeing into the desert for a time of solitude and reflection. This seclusion parallels Christ's withdrawal from the world before beginning his mission of converting society. Additionally, Casy accepts the deputy's beating and is punished for Tom's actions. Jim's selfless fight inevitably positions him as a leader in the fight against oppression. His life is sacrificed for his selfless actions, and his final words resemble those of Christ in his final hours: “You guys don't know what you're doing” (Stanley Ed. 107). Casy's actions indirectly persuade Tom Joad to follow him on the same altruistic path. Casy's individual identity is a true expression of a greater self, although this self-realization leads him to be condemned by society and is also the reason for his crucifixion. Steinbeck's novel also resembles the New Testament in its language and imagery, and in the principles it describes. Jim Casy's teachings, as well as his selflessness, recall the wisdom of Christ and his crucifixion. This perspective reinforces the similarities between the twelve Joads and the twelve apostles. Connie is representative of a Judas character who abandons the family for money. Although the Judeo-Christian allusions are extremely convincing, the novel is not an exercise in holiness. Early in the novel, Steinbeck expresses a certain anti-religious mood, which becomes clearer when Casy explains why he turned away from his ministry. Additionally, those who preach about sin and damnation in migrant camps are viewed with disparagement (Stanley Ed. 107,113,118). Jesus began his mission after an isolated retreat in the desert for a period of reflection and sanctification. He enters the novel after Christ's similar withdrawal and informs Tom that he "went off alone, and I sat and thought" (Shockley 267). Afterward, as Tom converges with Casy in the protester's tent, Casy reveals that he "went into the desert like Jesus to try to find Sumpin" (Shockley 267). Steinbeck is undoubtedly aware of this parallel. Additionally, just like Jesus Christ, Casy abandoned an obsolete religion and is currently in the process of replacing itby a contemporary gospel. In the opening scene, Jim and Tom reminisce about days gone by, when Casy advocated the old religion, thus illustrating the earlier concept of transgression and wrongdoing. However, Casy is currently explaining his denunciation of a religion that he believes corrupts him by emphasizing natural human desires. The Adam of the Fall approaches exorcism via these new indulgences (Shockley 267). Tom Joad is presented as a disciple of the Christ figure, Jim Casy. Steinbeck's convincing touch comes through when Tom expresses his desire for the role of Casy. With this catharsis, John Steinbeck introduces the allegory; he does not succumb to his unyielding eminence, because Tom is, in essence, nothing like Casy. Tom Joad is much more sadistic, much more filled with anger. However, having been mentored by Casy, Tom may ultimately prove even more triumphant as a realistic missionary. It will be noted that if Casy symbolizes Christ, Tom must be identified with Saint Paul, the practical and tough organizer. The metaphorical connection through which Tom transforms and learns to take responsibility is deeply realized and full of importance. This meaning is justified not simply as a technical inevitability, but because it speaks to Casy's truthfulness as a man and teacher. The parallels with St. Paul would be mere technicalities if they were not felt with such intensity (Levent 104). After Casy's brutal death, Tom takes it upon himself to play the role of Casy's disciple. Tom was educated by his mentor and he now takes on his mentor's responsibilities. Two of Christ's disciples were named Thomas, and many of Christ's chosen disciples were descended from individuals very similar to the Joads. Ma Joad asks Tom what should happen if he loses his life, and he responds in the way Casy taught him: "Then it doesn't matter. Then I'll be all around in the dark. I always will be." wherever you look. Wherever there's a fight so hungry people can eat, I'll be there. Anywhere there's a cop beating a guy, I'll be there. If Casy knew why, I'd be on my way. children laugh when they are hungry and they know dinner is ready. And when our parents eat the things they raise and live in the houses they build - why would I be there, you know? Casy." (Shockley 269) Steinbeck uses the Joad family to symbolize something much greater. The Joads encounter many adversities, deprivations and losses, and towards the end of the story almost cease to exist. Nevertheless, the tone of the novel is carrying. This encouraging feeling arises from "the growth of the Joad family as they begin to become aware of a larger group consciousness" (Stanley Ed. 110). at Ma Joad, starting with her desire to keep family close. Mom exclaims in the last chapter: “It was the first time to use family. 'no matter who. Worse still, the more we have to do' (Stanley Ed. 110) The main symbol of Steinbeck's work is the family, which represents 'the greatest 'family' of humanity' (Stanley Ed. 113).The Joads are at the heart of the novel's powerful characteristics; nevertheless, they illustrate human vigor and fragility. The dangers of nature and human civilization undermine the family and it suffers financial and environmental disasters, just like all humanity. Toward the end of the novel, the Joads begin to understand that they are members of a larger family. The earth is a representation of individual particularity; What the Joad family suffers when they lose their farm is a loss, 1999.