
  • Essay / Grandpa: My Hero in the Past, Present and Future

    When I think back to when I was younger, I think of all my wonderful childhood memories. Often I wish I could go back to that time in life when everything seemed simpler. Sometimes I think about it too much, knowing I can't come back. As I think back to my childhood and the people who had the biggest impact in my life, I think of my parents, my grandparents, my brothers and sisters. Each family member contributed in their own way, making me a better person every day. When I count my blessings, I count my family twice. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”?Get an original essayNowadays we have many heroes. It could be anyone from a TV star to a parent. By "hero" I don't mean a person with powers, I mean a person who inspires and motivates you to become a better person. Whether we know them or not, each of us follows the example of others. To me, “hero” is the word that describes wisdom, kindness, courage and tolerance. My hero is my grandfather, he is a truly admirable person who not only inspires me, but also amazes me every day. As I reflect on 2020, many events come to mind, from the Black Lives Matter movement to Kobe's death. Bryant, or the COVID 19 pandemic; every person on this earth has faced hardship and loss. For me, 2020 is another chapter in the book we call life. In April 2020, my grandfather was admitted to the hospital due to a minor infection, which later caused him to contract COVID-19. For 15 weeks, he was in the intensive care unit on a ventilator, fighting for his life. My “Pappa” is a warrior, no matter what challenge or obstacle comes his way, he perseveres so he can teach valuable life lessons to his children and grandchildren. He always says that “sometimes painful situations can teach lessons we didn’t think we needed to know.” It amazes me that a family can be perfectly represented by the tree of life. Our grandparents are our roots that support us at the underground base; although they are hidden underground, our existence without them is impossible. Just as there can be no present without the past, we young people would not be here without our grandparents. As Princess Diana said: "A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's." » To me, a mother's love for her child is the epitome of selfless love and devotion. From the moment the child is born, the mother instinctively understands the needs of her newborn. This continues as the years pass and the child becomes an adult, with little or no expectation in return. Some might even say that a mother's work is endless and the least rewarded in the world. My mother is the best mother anyone could wish for. Her beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair, as well as her confident and generous nature exude a sense of strength. It’s safe to say that my mother gets her strength from my grandfather. She always has a smile on her face, helping others and seeking the light in every situation. When I look back on my upbringing, as well as the person I am today, I feel grateful to have had such influential people. Throughout my life, I have realized that through every difficult day, there are signs from loved ones that can lift your spirits and put a smile on your face. Often when I'm in a bad state of mind and having a hard day, I see a.