
  • Essay / An investigation into the pursuit of happiness in the New Science of Happiness

    The article New Science of Happiness highlights a number of ways to make life more satisfying. It provides suggestions on what makes people happier and recommends various steps to achieve a more satisfying life. Most people find happiness in family relationships and friendships. A good relationship with children and friends contributes to the lives of others (Wallis, 2005). Furthermore, life is made more satisfying through a healthy relationship with parents and the degree of control over individuals' lives and destiny. Say no to plagiarism. Get a Custom Essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”?Get an Original EssayUltimately, the spiritual life and worship, what an individual does in their leisure time and holiday periods such as Christmas and New Year also contribute to a happier life. A more satisfying life can be achieved by taking good care of our bodies, investing quality time and energy with our friends and family, and developing strategies to cope with stress and difficulties (Wallis, 2005). As for my reaction to the article, I like this work and find it educational. The article mentions practices for achieving a satisfying life that are specific, appropriate and achievable by any individual. The aspects that stand out from this article are the steps to take good care of our body, which are easier and simpler to make life more satisfying. For example, a satisfying life can be achieved by getting enough sleep, working out and exercising, and laughing more often. Additionally, these steps resonate very well with an individual. For example, developing strategies to cope with stress and difficulties is of great importance in our modern societies. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, you must therefore face various challenges (Wallis, 2005). Psychology being a science, this article conducted a study whose aim was to find out if people generally wake up happy. The study posed a question: Do you usually wake up happy? and represented the results on a pie chart. Of 1,009 American adults who participated in this research, 80% of them reported being happy while 14% reported not being happy when they woke up. 6% of participants said they were not sure if they would be happy when they woke up (Wallis, 2005, p. 2). Among the eight ways to make life “happier” explained in this article, I consider taking good care of yourself and developing strategies to cope with stress and essential difficulties and I could implement them in my life in various ways . Taking good care of your body helps make life more satisfying. This is achieved by doing lots of exercise, getting enough sleep, smiling and laughing a lot (Wallis, 2005). Additionally, establishing strategies to cope with stress and difficulties helps make life more satisfying. This can be facilitated by religious and secular beliefs to help people cope with difficulties, as difficult times cannot be avoided. If done regularly, it will help make life happier. Good body care and stress management strategies were selected because they involve activities that are simple to perform and therefore can be easily implemented by an individual (Wallis, 2005). Keep in mind: this is just a sample. Get a custom paper now from our expert writers.Get a custom essayIn conclusion, it is obvious that a satisfying life can be..